Best Wii Game SO Far

lol i forgot to put on my flame retardant suit.

i havent gotten very far in it yet, i play re4 more than zelda. im sure if i had an assload of stuff it'd be more fun.
I'm gonna make this simple, eventho zelda is great, it ain't as addictive as KORORINPA! :)
vagrant said:
Or perhaps a lot of people are choosing RE4 because they did just get it and are still currently playing through it.

that makes a lot of sense, and like i said before im not much of a re fan so out of everything else zelda tp is the best game in my opinion. i decided to start playing it again and i had forgotten how good of a game it is.
Deranged.vE said:

it really is a good game though :eek:

i love running around in a skirtlike shirt and pwning **** :D

haha, i havent heard it put any better...ever :D

EDIT: sorry for the double post, wanted to quote both of you guys
spirit0flight said:
hmm Best Wii game.. I dont have anything to say except "Lol"

Since there is well NO games out worthy of splashing out..

Heres a list of 3 that are "OK" to play..

1 - RE4 (Great lets play more remakes..) -.-
2 - Zelda : TP - (Designed for the gamecube..)
3 - Mario strikers...( What a joke of a game.. has replay value of... 0) -.-

It is true i have a big question mark over whther or not i should sell my WII..
I have a PS3 and 360.. an even if PS3 still doesnt have as much scope of games out yet.. i still find myself playing my other consoles way more then the wii...
Pretty much given up hope... for nintendo for the time being..

Lets see how the new smash bros or Mario holds up....

If not then its in my opinion RIP Wii :scared:

Befor i get flamed.. i aint a fanboy.. of any console/company. just giving an opinion.. Slightly off topic but oh well.:sick:

I love how you desperately wanted someone to reply to your post for an argument but nobody did :lol:

Stop complaining on a message board and go sell it if it's making you that unhappy :wink:
jinglejangle said:
I love how you desperately wanted someone to reply to your post for an argument but nobody did :lol:

Stop complaining on a message board and go sell it if it's making you that unhappy :wink:

Was not after a reply or anything :)
Just stating opinion... That there is no good games out.:yikes:
I cannot truly say which is the best game out right now, as I neither own all the games nor have played all the games. But of the ones that i do own, the best one i have is Transformers (fanboy biased opinion ;) ) CLOSELY followed by Zelda. I suspect Mario galaxy will be right up there when it's released, but that's no surprise, Mario games are always engrossing and fun, for me at least.