Best Wii Game SO Far

wiiturd said:
TwilightWarrior : go with re4 over Harry Potter, you will be glad you did, I might even sleep better at night knowing you did.

Lol, I probably will considering it's cheaper too. Have you got Harry Potter then or something? Or just know for a fact RE4 is better?
No I never played a Harry Potter game just guessing it sucks like most movie adaptations to video games , but re4 is in my top 3 games for any systems of all time, its just that good. I played the hell out of re4 on ps2 and now that its on wii , I have to say this is the definative version to get. The controls are done perfectly . You have to get this game!! The replay factor of this game is awesome too, lots of unlockables. Plus its only $30 (at least in the U.S.) If you do get it feel free to post for help in the re4 help thread .I'd be glad to give you pointers.
Zelda first, hands down. I'm just a fanatic though, so it's a bias opinion. 2nd would be RE4 followed by Super Paper Mario, though as I play more games I could see SPM getting knocked back a few notches.
Zelda: TP.
I really need to go get RE. Never played the one on the GC or PS2 even though I intended too. I'll go get it sometime soon though, it looks awesome.
hmm Best Wii game.. I dont have anything to say except "Lol"

Since there is well NO games out worthy of splashing out..

Heres a list of 3 that are "OK" to play..

1 - RE4 (Great lets play more remakes..) -.-
2 - Zelda : TP - (Designed for the gamecube..)
3 - Mario strikers...( What a joke of a game.. has replay value of... 0) -.-

It is true i have a big question mark over whther or not i should sell my WII..
I have a PS3 and 360.. an even if PS3 still doesnt have as much scope of games out yet.. i still find myself playing my other consoles way more then the wii...
Pretty much given up hope... for nintendo for the time being..

Lets see how the new smash bros or Mario holds up....

If not then its in my opinion RIP Wii :scared:

Befor i get flamed.. i aint a fanboy.. of any console/company. just giving an opinion.. Slightly off topic but oh well.:sick:
Hmmm the best Wii game so far? Hmm I would have to say, whatever game I get thats new and I like it. I mean...I've bought SSX Blur and Red Steel, for Wii, although many people step on those games. To me..they are just awesome, I'm having a blast. I've seen my friend playing RE4 on Wii and it was really awesome too. I dunno I guess i'm too naive, any game that offers any kind of fun to me, is Best. Doesn't have to be a top of the line AAA title. @_@
DeathChron said:
Hmmm the best Wii game so far? Hmm I would have to say, whatever game I get thats new and I like it. I mean...I've bought SSX Blur and Red Steel, for Wii, although many people step on those games. To me..they are just awesome, I'm having a blast. I've seen my friend playing RE4 on Wii and it was really awesome too. I dunno I guess i'm too naive, any game that offers any kind of fun to me, is Best. Doesn't have to be a top of the line AAA title. @_@
yeah i agree w/ u.