Best franchise of all time?

Donkey Kong (DKC 1,2,3 and 64 really)

Don't get me wrong though. I love all 4. Just i love some more than others.

Oh and when a third Pikmin or Animal Crossing comes out, they'll probably move ahead of Donkey Kong (It takes 3 to make a franchise IMO)
In this order:

1. Metroid
2. Mario
3. Zelda

I was never really a Zelda or Metroid fan (I haven't been a Zelda fan since the days of the GameBoy Color, and that was when I played Oracle of Seasons and Link's Awakening DX. I disliked the 2d Metroid games up until I played Metroid Prime Hunters and went back to play Zero Mission.. both were great) but Metroid Prime Hunters definitely got me into the Metroid series, so I knew what to expect with Prime 3. Twilight Princess was my first 3d Zelda, so most of the time I stumbled around, purposeless. I only recently discovered how amazing the game was and swiftly smashed my way through the last 4 dungeons and beat the game.
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Metal Gear!

Just kidding...

For me it's a toss up between Zelda and Mario.
im gonna say Kirby is the best IMO, very underrated on under the radar. ive just always enjoyed every kirby game released, HAL has never dissapointed me. Next to that i'll go with Mario, just because its been a very versitle franchise, from puzzle, to action, to adventure, platform and RPG.

and kirby spans a library from Nes, to Gameboy, to DS and soon to be wii...i hope.

count em, 17 titles....20 if u count smash bros for N64, GCN and Brawl
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