Nintendo Franchises you want to make it to the Wii.

Starfox... could use the remote sideways
Castlevania (oh yes, the whip)
A completely online metroid game (hunters??)
Kid Icarus Comeback
Punch Out Wii
Donkey Kong Wii
There're plenty of games that I'd like to come to the Wii, not to mention the Virtual Console.

Franchises I want to be on Wii:
Kingdom Hearts
A GOOD Pokemon game
Tales of Symphonia II (Which is coming out in Japan, not sure about America yet)

The Mother series (Maybe do what they did with Sin & Punishment?)
The Lion King for Super Nintendo :lol:
Mario Paint, using a USB mouse possibly? Mine doesn't have a long-enough cord, though
wiiman14 said:
Nintendo said there will not be another pikmin but will be a brand new franchise like pikman.
You misunderstood. It was said that there would be a series that is similar to Pikmin in terms of an original, brand new franchise that would be a hit on the Wii. Not LITERALLY like Pikmin. Plus, Nintendo just recently renewed their rights to Pikmin (or however you phrase that?), so that kind is a give away that there will be a 3rd game.

- Custom Robo
- [Good] Pokemon Game (possibly a sequel to Pokemon Snapshot?)
- Donkey Kong (similar to DK64)
- Kirby (Similar to Krsytal Shards)
- Kid Icarus (would be awesome)
- Pikmin
- Mario Tennis (I know it's not really a franchise, but it had a sequel)

^^ All I can think of for now.
i would honeslty like to see the Ice Climbers renewed in glorious new graphics. keep the game 2d, game play the same, but more depth to it, have over 100 moutains, more eniemes, work out some kinda 2 player co-op. would also make a great game for causal gamers. and should sell for $30-40
ssbb_lover said:
- Kirby (Similar to Krsytal Shards)

This reminds me... Wasn't there a Kirby game announced for GameCube quite some time ago? I remember seeing screenshots in Nintendo Power or something.

Not something similar to Kirby Airride, though...
^Yes, I remember that as well. He could absorb the powers of almost anything. It looked like a good title.
Yeah. My good friend "Grey Kirby" has a vid of it in his sig. It was supposed to come out for the Wii this year, but I believe it got postponed to Spring/Summer of 08'.
Wikipedia said:
In a future game announced for the Wii, Kirby is given the ability to release his absorbed enemy as an ally.
Sounds cool to me.
It doesn't say anything on Wiki, and I don't remember a possible Crystal Shard-esque Gamecube release, but it's possible.
I've actually heard that Mario 128 didn't turn into Mario Galaxy, and the idea is still floating around.

Of course, it wouldn't be called Mario 128, though :p