best accesorie for the wiimote.. that u can think of.

i know its stupid, but the notion just popped in my head n i just had to post it. it is kind of possible since the wiimote has its own memory. But thats just for you personal settings. If Nintendo gave it the ability to hold more memory, my idea could be possible without changing the size and weight of the wiimote. But I don't think the AM/FM tuner thing would work.
i think its this:

i would make a hover board which plugs into the remote and you twist the remote 1 way to accelerate and the other to brake.
ps. did any body know hover boards are real but got banned before anybody knew about them because of safety issues (the miniature sun which powered them was unstable and would blow up if you crashed)
Got a source for that hoverboard? I would like to read about that, power glove looks gay, but i think at gamestop its already one of the accessories for the wii
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i think its this:


---------Don't F*** With Mario!---------

Wii Fund: £3.00 (Watch This Grow)

Is tht official
MetroidZ said:
no, but why would u need the sword on the wiimote?
I wouldn't, but I just thought that it would be nice
well, the sword i may simply forget, but i'd love a lightsaber!!

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