Beck or Death Cab?

Beck? HAH, my nickname is Beck. :3 (Last name is Becker)

Right now, I really like...
30 Seconds to Mars
Breaking Benjamin
Dir en Grey (Japanese)
KAT-TUN (Japanese)
Rise Against

...Pink Floyd sucks... But that's just my opinion.
Darkprinny said:
At least my music doesnt sound like a record skiping
like i said, thats just an opinion, i grew up listing to that, and i fecking love it, record skipping done skillfully is awesome.
My nepthew grew up listening to all the crap that the radio plays

Now he likes my afore mentioned bands
i like beck i enjoy most of his music right now and since he came out, as for death cab, i enjoy them somewhat i can listen to them once in a little bit but i cant listen to them on a reg. basis. as of right now im listening to Tv on THe radio and the walkmen
Ezekiel86 said:
Lacuna Coil
Nine Inch Nails
Rob Zombie
White Zombie
Cradle of Filth
Iron Maiden
The Gathering
Cruciform Injection
Van Halen
Billy Idol (in the past :p )

There's quite a few more but I can't possibly list them all at the moment :p

you seriously better be listening to generation x. cos if yoru actually listening to billy idols solo ****. youre a faggot.
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i beck agree with you guys post at the top. becks early songs, let me refer- nickoteen & gravy, debra, loser, mixed buissness, broken train, loser, and hollywood freaks. these were some of becks greatest hits, (i guess you could say).
Beck > DCFC.

DCFC is kind of annoying after a while. I liked them for maybe 2 years. I liked Transatlanticism, but Plans wasn't that great.
blueradio said:
Beck > DCFC.

DCFC is kind of annoying after a while. I liked them for maybe 2 years. I liked Transatlanticism, but Plans wasn't that great.

Exactly.... Death Cab was awesome, but they kinda **** the bed on Plans. Ya know why? they got big. Not many people knew about them until Transatlanticism came out. Then MTV was like "blagh we blow ourselves Death Cab is cool now" Then they put out an album to try to attract new fans. And like always, it turned out crap. Same thing happened with Modest Mouse. "Good New for People Like Bad News" is a good album. But their old stuff was so much better, and A LOT different.
tank said:
Exactly.... Death Cab was awesome, but they kinda **** the bed on Plans. Ya know why? they got big. Not many people knew about them until Transatlanticism came out. Then MTV was like "blagh we blow ourselves Death Cab is cool now" Then they put out an album to try to attract new fans. And like always, it turned out crap. Same thing happened with Modest Mouse. "Good New for People Like Bad News" is a good album. But their old stuff was so much better, and A LOT different.
the infamous if they get famous they automaticly suck statement. I think plans was one of the better albums
asdfnick said:
the infamous if they get famous they automaticly suck statement. I think plans was one of the better albums

I hated it. Soul Meets Body was a good one. But none of the new stuff can compare to songs like Transatlanticism. And on The Photo Album, all the tracks between Information Travels Faster and All is Full of Love is some of my favorite music.

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