bad news for xbox

Yeah thats why they did that. But most people know whats going on with HD-DVD vs Blu-ray because of 360 vs PS3 so they are smart enough to know its a waste of money to buy a HD-DVD.
but before bluray, there were hddvd and dvd still around, dvds and hd dvds will still be sold and rented, not everyone can afford ps3s or bluray players yet..but now they can afford hddvd players and surely dvd players, i dont see why these companies wont rent/sell them anymore just because ps3 is finally getting noticed as the cheap bluray player.

i think microsoft got the point, and now theyre probably gonna rob us with another console fully equipped with bluray and possibly hddvd all in one? anything is possible with todays technology, and microsoft definitely have tomorrows technology already, if that makes any sense to ya
Its not because of PS3, its because Blu-ray has better quality and more space than a HD-DVD and they both costs the same... so why settle for less?

HD-DVD players and Blu-ray players were selling for the same price. They only recently dropped the price because movie studios will no longer be releasing movies on Blu-ray. So companies like toshiba are now selling them at low prices to get rid of the because they will no longer be manufacturing them.

I mean, why make more HD-DVD players or HD-DVD's if no movies will be made on it?

Also by the time the next console is released it will cost less to make Blu-ray players so I doubt we will have to pay a whole lot for it. Its not so much of forcing a format on us just for movies. The main thing that would make it ideal for MS to make an internal Blu-ray drive is for space on a disc. Unless Sony gets a cut of the profit for using Blu-ray? I don't know... If they do, then MS will likely make their own discs especially made for their games. But this is just speculation by me.
I think the HD-DVD format would have put up a better fight if it had been built into the 360, like how Blu-Ray is built into the PS3, but overall the format is just better like previously stated. Good thing Microsoft went with an external, so all they really have to do is change the format of those internals and whoop there you go, blu-ray player.
well the movie American gangster is being released on DVD and HD dvd only so I don't think HD is out for the count just yet
Its out :p

There are still a few, hell maybe only 1 or 2 who are still gonna go HD-DVD, but after the studios who said they will go Blu-ray 100% start doing that, then everyone will drop HD-DVD because their won't be enough HD-DVD movies to keep people buying HD-DVD players.
Why the hell does my laptop have only an hd-dvd player. What kind of crack were the HewlettPackard business people smoking?
I'll stick to my good old dvd player thank you very much.

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