Awkward Phone Call


WiiChat Member
Mar 17, 2007
Wii Online Code
I just had the funniest phone call I've ever heard!!! This is what happened:

*Ring, Ring, Ring*

Me: Hello?

Guy: Hi is Zoey there?

Me: Zoey?

Guy: Yes

Me: Um.... i think you have the wrong number

Guy: Is this *Says my phone number*

Me: Yeah, but...

Guy: So is Zoey there?

Me: No, I think you have the wrong number, there isn't a Zoey here

Guy: I'm aware of that

Me: Ok

Guy: I'm going to call back later...

Me: NO there isn't a Zoey here!

Guy: Wait a...

Me: I'm going to hang up now

Guy: Ok

Me: Ok bye

Guy: I'm going to call back later...


*Hangs Up*

This happened just five minutes ago, what do you think about the guy on the other line?
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i thought it was funny
Yea my cell gets wrong numbers like crazy. At least 3 or 4 weekly.
Apparently my number used to belong to a travel agency..
Prez said:
Yea my cell gets wrong numbers like crazy. At least 3 or 4 weekly.
Apparently my number used to belong to a travel agency..
el oh el tht sux
A RAND0M TAC0 said:
someone was prolly pranking you
if thats your idea of a prank, i think it was you, since no one else would have considered that a prank! xD
my friend does that. he'll phone a random place and ask for someone. after rhey tell him he has the wrong #. he'll try and convince them he has the right #.
I keep geting cals from the phone company
THey want to give me this cool mobile phone
And charge me £10 a mounth to use to

I have a phone thats better
the last conversation was like this

Oh hi Mr dix you have just won a compertion to get this >Insert phone type here< for free

Me : allready got a phone
T: This one does MP3s
M : Mine does mp3s
T : It also does mpeg films
M : MIne does mpeg, avi, divx, mkv, mpeg4, mov and a few others that I cant remeber
T : this one has a camra
M : As does mine it can film up to a hour of stuff
T : This ones free APrart from the hap line rental
M : As was mine it was given to be by a freind that wanted a craper phone and its on pay as you go. it also can access the full internet does email has a big screen can play games like doom, quake and a psone loooking rally game
Click they hung up

Prez said:
Yea my cell gets wrong numbers like crazy. At least 3 or 4 weekly.
Apparently my number used to belong to a travel agency..

Woah I would so play along and make them think they've just booked a holiday

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