Aussie Wifi Night - Wii

deity_link said:
At the current moment yes it is planned out for next weekend I'll work out the stuff tonight at about 9:00ish so can everyone get on gabbly/MSN so we can work it all out?

Yep I think I can manage that :)
kool sounds good, will hav to let you know if i can participate or not... dont see why not though. Eagles ive added you to msn :)
Yeah awesome...but i havent added you, so you arent on my friend code list.

How lovely of you to add it just then, oh btw other people can see it and u dont want that do u? :(
hey guys, ive added everyone on the list on the front page, so guys please remember to add everyone!
Also it would be good if everyone could change thier Mii name to thier wiichat name.
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Sorry Almo not gonna happen my name is Daniel and its gonna stay Daniel. Also I'm gonna write up the matches for weekend one....hmmmm.. I might use my mii profile in some way....nah screw it I'll just post them up on the first page for all to see.

BTW everyone check back on the front page for tournamnet details ie.dates, matches etc.
deity_link said:
Sorry Almo not gonna happen my name is Daniel and its gonna stay Daniel. Also I'm gonna write up the matches for weekend one....hmmmm.. I might use my mii profile in some way....nah screw it I'll just post them up on the first page for all to see.

BTW everyone check back on the front page for tournamnet details ie.dates, matches etc.
lol seriously dude changing your mii name to deity for one weekend isnt that hard and will avoid all confusion

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