i agree with flip, that crazy thing that some characters can do how they teleport behind the goal, how do you do that ****!! hahah, but the main thing i hate is when some people decide to turn off their wii when you win:mad5: has happened a couple of times when my winning movie is playing all of sudden it says that i've been disconnected, but i'm still connected to the interent.
also how about some people add me, none of my friends have this game and i really wanna play some friendly matches, my friend code is: 494023 100272
OK guys, ive gone through most of the pages and ive got everyones fc.
Tell me if u want it removed and make sure u add everyone
(PS, i just added onto the one on the front page made by diety )
Yes, good work on that m7ticalm, I will also rep you....If I can. Going to Qld in 3 days!!! And getting an R4DS in 2!!!....All this good stuff happening but my internet is stuffed. Can't wait to have a friendly with some of you guys.
Ok most of the colours are gone as there is no longer many people to get MSC (me and Sam) so it should hopefully be all organized for the weekend of the end of the month (this weekend just to soon for me)
Thanks M7ticalm for that list I used it on the front page
Well, soon when i finish reseach I will MSC if anyone wants to, just go on msn to organize it, SIRS! If you dont know mine its under my username somewhere I think.
Edit: No its not, my yahoo one is ... well to bad! No organizing with me for some of you then!
Hooooray! The new router came today, so I got the internet back....YAY!!! Getting an R4DS next week (ordering it in 2 days) YAY!!! Going to Queensland in 3 days!!! YAY!!! Learning Japanese in the mean-time!!! YAY!!!
i can't wait for this tournament gonna be pretty fun. by the way my mii's name is darryl not ness, just so your not thinking whose this darryl kid if you add me haha