Aussie Wifi Night - Wii

gpoleweski said:
Ok...anyways back on topic, my FC's finally work now!...Although my name is Steve but it's actually graeme it is working nonetheless. I think I deserve rep for that.
Congrats on getting your FC to work, but stop asking for rep, it's sad and annoying. You do not deserve rep for any of the things you have said.:mad5:
Oceanic said:
Congrats on getting your FC to work, but stop asking for rep, it's sad and annoying. You do not deserve rep for any of the things you have said.:mad5:

are you talking bout pokemon fc's...if so can we trade stuff???
lol @ that guy thinking it was Pokemon FC's :lol:

Anyway you guys all add me! My Mii I'm using is Pete so if I'm on invite me for a match, I'm not that good but still should be a fun one.
I have a zelda and myamoto mii, does anyone want it?

I have pirated spiderman 3, PoC3, Shrek 3 and 300

Damn, all of the movie titles nowadays have the number 3

Dont you think thats a bit too much?
my friend code is now 043052 232782

add me again because my other code does not work!
I shall dare to add you!

hehe, my sister is being thrashed by some random bald guy on MSC
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I didn't get strikers today :( I was rather angry when they said they had no copies, I told them I preorder it so they give me a 10% discount doesn't really make up for it but I saw a copy of Animal Cossing Wild Worlds quite cheap so I got it, so now I'm awaiting a call to say they have more copies so I can go and get MSC...Animal Crossing shall tide me over till then (btw m Friend Code is:2878-6546-9575 PM me if you add me)

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