Aussie Wifi Night - Wii

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  • #16
16, you could've searched for one of the 7 or so "how old are you topics?" I responded to a handful of them :lol:. This thread is so off topic its not funny. But I'm drawing up a tournamnet chart at the moment so I'll post that up[ soonish
Well this is already gaining some momentum! Total up to 6 in less than 24 hours, I think its the advertising in my sig thats doing it ;) ! And the game comes out the same day I finish my exams to (Calculus exam on that day whoooo), but I have to go up North that day also so I'll have to wait till I get back on the 12th to get it :(
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  • #23
Ok added reefer and m7ticalm to the does MSC use Wii Codes or does it have its own frined codes?? I shall go and find out
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  • #26
Ok this information can be sumarised in one word: Crap. That is a crap move by Nintendo and Nintendo should start using the Wii Codes instead of individual codes for each game otherwise the crapness of this will enslave the world...ok maybe a bit far but its still a load of crap. DS I can understand but Wii, its a WTF moment
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  • #30
???? how you doing that Tim (add you to the list btw)

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