Attention Mods

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JoeTheZombie said:
What?!!? This board has mods?

Boards of this size really need dedicated mods that are on at different time blocks. Other boards I frequent have hourly shifts each mod is assigned.

I guess one of the main concerns is what one considers a post that needs to be edited/locked/deleted. One problem is the vast array of age groups that visit this forum. Older gamers may see some of the younger participant's posts as incoherent or ignorant. Younger gamers may see some of the older participant's posts as rude.

Other than the official Nintendo forum, WiiChat has the most background noise of any of the gaming boards I visit. I've found myself spending more and more time at Cheap Ass Gamer, or the Nintendo World Report.

This board is actually fairly small, compared to others.
But even though we have enough mods, they are not dedicated at all whatsoever(Most, not all).
I have never seen more than one or two mods even online at the same time, and during a one day period, the majority of time goes by without any mods being online.
I do dissagree with you though, about the age thing.
You are right for the most part, but i've found that some of the older posters are the ones that tend to break rules and such, just because they are not very familiar with forum ettiquette.
For example, compared to most on the board I would be considered fairly young (16), but as of yet I havn't seen a single person (especially mods) who cares more about the rules, and making sure the noobs learn how to behave.
This is simply because I am a moderator on other forums, and have been for a while.
I hate trying to tell people what there doing is wrong, yet having no power to back myself up.
Thats why i really wish i was a mod here, so i could help turn it around.
FFS this place doesn't even have a Stickied "Forum Rules - Read before posting" post.
Fair enough, but I don't consider 16 as fairly young; and I also suppose age does not relate to maturity. I am not stating the older individuals are not contributing to background noise. In actuality I can only guess a user's age, but it seems to me a lot of younger users take issues when a cold, hard fact is presented to them about a topic. Often their responses complain of "you don't need to be so rude!". I find individuals who haven't reached a certain maturity level have problems when they are corrected, sometimes lashing out instead of accepting they are ignorant in that topic. And, yes, the same could be said of older users who are stuck in thinking they are always right, but the previous example seems to be more noticeable to me.

The largest contributor of background noise are the post count whores. I mean, do we really need "lets count to 1000", or "one word story" posts? How about all the "yah, whatever" posts. I'd like to see post-counts completely removed.
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Well, you are right in the fact that younger people do tend to take corrections offensive and rude, and in general be less mature.
I'd just like to think that our maturity levels aren't judged soley on our age, because that ruins it for us trying to actually be mature, and make this forum better.
The post count does not rase if you post in the game lounge.
mario567 said:
I should be a moderator!
and you areion is more likely to give mod power to a member that is helpfull to others
I completely agree, thread quality will be the main focus on this forum over the coming months - now we are somewhat out of the launch madness.

As mentioned above removing postcounts in the threads may be a needed requirement to cut down on the 'need to post', that has been successful on other forums in the past.

I'll be sending some PM's out over the coming days recruiting for a 'quality control mod team'. Who basically will have the ability lock/move/delete and possibly warn poor posters.

Anyone who would like to apply just shoot me a PM with the specific section you'd like to watch over. Please note i'll be looking over your posting history here in order to see if you're suitable - so if you only joined recently might not be worth messaging.

Cheers guys
(Oh and im on here pretty much all day, i just choose not to show up on the whos online box ;) )
ion is a sillent assain

I do aggree that wee do need a sticky (in all parts of the forum) with the rules
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Kryptenx said:
Rules FTW! We really needed those.
Yes, now when new people are fighting us back saying that double posting doesn't do any harm, we can actually quote rules at them.
A step in the right direction, forsure.
I'm anxious to see how this site shapes up in the near future, with people now taking initiative to make it better.
Prez said:
Yes, now when new people are fighting us back saying that double posting doesn't do any harm, we can actually quote rules at them.
:lol: yeah didn't think of it that way. The more respect given to the site from new (and even old) members, the better the community will be. Should be cool :D
I would love to see a big box spanning about 1/3 of the page for users with under 3 posts introducing them to the search function and letting them know that the whole forum does not consist of "Nintendo Wii Chat"

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