Are you Wiicubed?

Wiitendo said:
HOLY CRAP! WELL DONE N FAN! way to support! :thumbsup:

I have bought
Mario Sunshine
Resident evil 4
NHL 2006 and borrowed the original splinter cell.
When I'm done saving up for my Wii and get two wiimotes and nunchucks i'll probably buy two GC controllers and CoN2.

Oh yeah and a GC memory card
I bought Metroid Prime & Echos, Super Smash Bros, MarioKart DD, Monkey Ball and Naruto Clash of Ninja 2 after i got my Wii!
i had 78 GC games pre wii

now that i got wii i have 7 wii games
bought another 10 GC games post wii
just because they are getting so cheep so fast.. finnished off my tony hawk collection and james bond over night... i love when next gens come out the previous ones hit rock bottom prices..
with the price they are dropping too now it is the time to stock up on everything, the only ones i saw that didnt drop in price was the good ones like SSBM,MKDD they held there price.. any one try doing a lan party with mario kart double dash with the wii? i do it on and off with my gamecube, play 8 people in mario kart, havent messed with wii yet to figure out how to set it up...
they are releasing a couple double titles... meaning it will be on gamecube and the Wii at the same time, that will probably stop soon though the GC is liek 10 bucks cheeper new for the double titles but doesnt use the wii gameplay...
I hate used games so I'm only getting the premium GC games that I never bought Pre Wii and was curous or wanted too. Used is just wierd to me...prefer things to be fresh and unspoilt. Basically I've got all the games for GC that I want.
ya but when they drop to 2 or 3 dollars a game no point not stocking up, good games or not... most used games atleast at gamestop have a better garantee that comes with it... i have been a memeber there sence it was funcoland back in the day, whenever a new console comes out i eaisly get another 25-50 games for my old console for a couple hundred bucks.. good or not they keep me busy while waiting for good titles for my new console to come out...
I didn't get most of those games because there will be sequels I spent a long time making my own games a few MMO's nothing big they weren't downloadable and I had my friends help so it was just 50 of us so it was more like a SMO so I didn't get into GC but as you can see with Wii I am trying to secure every game that looks fun
i got almost every gamecube game out but most of them pre wii. 10 after the wii bout
I already had a gamecube but I have bought some games since getting a wii as well so I would have to vote yes.

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