Import Wii, Naruto


WiiChat Member
Apr 7, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Okay, I have always imported games for my Gamecube, so I went out and bought the new naruto game for Wii. But, after I bought it I was reading though things and I saw that Freeloader does not work for Wii Games. Does anyone have any idea how I can get Imported Japanese Games to play on a US system? Or is modding the option. I am not looking to mod, I really liked freeloader, but I LOVE the naruto games. I have 2-4 in Japaneses. If you could let me know I would really appreciate it.

Thank you,

Where do you live I don't think there is a Naruto game for Wii yet
He said he has a US Wii and wants to play Jap. Games on the US Wii.

Wii games don't work with the GC freeloader.
There are some rumors going around that people (Datel) are working on the Wii freeloader, but that won't be out for a while.
So as of right now, you would have to go mod your Wii or wait until the Freeloader comes out which might be a little while.
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Darkprinny said:
You realy need to say where your from
Only does GC on the wii

I did say where I was form bud. US Import, Playing Japanese Games. It's all in the first post.

Black Jack - What does moding cretail? I'd really rather not void my warantee and from what I have read the game isn't all to impessive. I assume modding means opening it up. adding a Chip and done? I think I'll pass if thats the case. Darn I was looking forward to playing it. Does Datel have a website? I was looking around for one, but couldn't find an official website.

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