Apologies For Last Night.



I am sorry for last night on WiiChat, I can't remember anything but I was drunk and I have heard from several members that I were posting weid stuff so I got a 1 day no posting ban.
I am glad as if I were to carry on acting how I was, I might of been perm banned by another moderator.
Last night, I went out with all my friends as a small reunion thing after leaving school and we all brought alcohol and we played spin the bottle.
That's all I can remember and now my gf left me plus I made a fool out of myself on wiichat.
I woke up feeling terrible but I didn't know I had done this until I saw my ban.
This is a one off so I hope you can all forgive me,
Nothing better then getting effed up with your mates :] andd I'm one of the people that requested you got temp. banned.. for your sake. Hope there's no hard feelings due to this? I had good intentions.
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welcome back, i guess ben told you i lifted your ban :)

like i wrote in your profile this wasnt personal, it was just to save you from doing something stupid.....
welcome back. this is a prime example of why i will NEVER drink any alcohol. causes you to do dumb things. ill be the guy that brings the Mountain Dew :cool:
Mitch2025 said:
welcome back. this is a prime example of why i will NEVER drink any alcohol. causes you to do dumb things. ill be the guy that brings the Mountain Dew :cool:

I drink it makes me creative

But under age drinking is a big no no

What the hell did I miss ?
Yah drinking is ok if your 19+ (haha you americans gotta wate till 21), but not youch booze when your an adult????? Personally im 14 and i love vodka and zambuka, but i never get totally wasted, i think if you drink responsably you should be able to drink at 16
getting drunk is the exacy same reason i got our computer destroyed.... still funny though

lol just found the 8 posts he made, funny........

anyway uhh welcome back, get drunk again
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Bonodo, what posts? People have said I was posting random stuff, please send link or tell me what to search for.. I'm prepared for the worse..
lee.jarratt said:
Bonodo, what posts? People have said I was posting random stuff, please send link or tell me what to search for.. I'm prepared for the worse..
go on advanced search, then type your username in the username bit, then on the date bit click yesterday and higher, then choose display as posts (leave everything else how it is) and search
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Burpe lol. What the hell :|, How embarrasing..
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mr_resi said:
OMFG those were funny posts lol!

To you they were :yesnod:
What a crap day, my gf won't let me talk to her now.I can't remember what I have done and I wrote random crap on here. :sick:

Edit: My friend just told me on msn that he took a picture of me stroking/hugging a bin, I will upload it later. I aint seen it yet..

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