Anyone remember Mischief Makers?? :)


@SoHugo17 FOLLOW ME? :)
Aug 20, 2006
Stanton, CA
well, i was jus lookin back and remembering all the good times i had with my N64 when i suddenly remember this green haired girl by the name of Maria....*****/Mischief20Makers20U.jpg

oh how i miss the old days. LOL this game was so cool. collecting those gold diamond figures was my main objective all the time. i of course never collected all :(

heres the intro to the game. i always laughed when she would always hit that old guy when he was too close.



does anyone else remember this classic game and hope its available soon in the VC thing??? :)
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yes, heres jus one boss fight......


and heres a scene of jus a level you go through. oh, and its my favorite level :) still remember playing this game so well.... :)

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your welcome. this game is worth 1000 points. anyone else like or remember this game?? it should be filed in the classic's section.
yeh i used to play this game when i was younger but could never get past the second boss i think! fun game though, imagine if she was in smash bros!:lol:
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Maria in smash bros?? LOL that would be funny, but i cant really think of a final smash.
I have never heard of this game either, but thanks for sharing the info with us. It looks pretty cool, and for your happiness, I hope it makes it to the VC library. :)
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Byuakuya said:
I have never heard of this game either, but thanks for sharing the info with us. It looks pretty cool, and for your happiness, I hope it makes it to the VC library. :)
thanks :) :)

this is a good game trust me :yesnod: :yesnod:

so many wonderful memories........
Lol, I completely forgot about this game! I rented it three or four times back to back when I was in highschool. It's one of the N64's proudest achievements. :) I hope it comes out on VC eventually.

Though come to think of it.. I think this was the only game to ever make me break a controller in frustration.. :devil:
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Tairusu said:
Lol, I completely forgot about this game! I rented it three or four times back to back when I was in highschool. It's one of the N64's proudest achievements. :) I hope it comes out on VC eventually.

Though come to think of it.. I think this was the only game to ever make me break a controller in frustration.. :devil:
LOL outta frustration?? ha, why?? only time i ever got mad was when i went through a level, but never found the gold diamond thing. that was my main objective when going through a stage.
It was a few years back, but I think I was trying to get a gold diamond by beating the final boss with out getting hit. And well, 10 tries later I threw the controller at a throw pillow on the other end of the couch... of course it bounced, hit the coffee table and the plastic chipped. :yikes:

Never did see the 100% ending though.
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Shake shake
Got to the last boss on it when I worked in a game store.
Shake shake

Its not on of there best but its better than most of the 2D shiote out there

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