Anyone else think this?


Smash King
Dec 22, 2006
:smilewinkgrin: You know ive never really been a person who cares about graphic per say but im kinda dissapointed at the wiis graphics. I've seen better looking Gcube games. It makes me sad that they dont try harder to improve this...:frown2: I mean come on farcry u can't even tell what your shooting at? Idk can someone explain to me better why they haven't tried making games with good graphics i mean the system should be able to handle it, Its twice the speed of gcube! If someone can give me an answer that would be awesome lets discuss. :wtf:
Try component cables if you own a HDTV.

Going from 480i to 480p impressed me enough.

Twilight Princess definitely looks better on the Wii at 480p than it looks on the cube. By playing other games on the system, I'd say the graphics are better, not by a whole lot. These games are launch titles though, expect better in the coming months.

I'm more impressed by the gameplay though.
Well I can't give you an answer but I do agree with you a little. I mean don't get my wrong the graphics are good. But their not great.. I must admit I was a little disappointed with Marvels Ultimate Alliance but I don't know.. I was kinda pleased with Zelda's graphics..

Meh who knows..
Admittedly the Wii could have done better, but I don't worry about it much. I think if a developer put enough effort in, they could probably produce a game with some fairly impressive graphics though.
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I mean yeah i guess your right but even some of the future releases look shitty idk smash bros looks really nice im looking foward to that and metriod
Wii whining?

KingOfKlutch said:
:smilewinkgrin: You know ive never really been a person who cares about graphic per say but im kinda dissapointed at the wiis graphics. I've seen better looking Gcube games.
If you think thats bad, you should see Oblivion on 360 compared to an Opteron with dual 6800 SLI and 2gb of Ram. Its an absolute travesty!

Actually: ANY console game vs an Opteron with dual 6800 SLI and 2gb of Ram looks like dung.

Um. What was the problem again?
Disaster: Day of Crisis, Pokemon Revolution, Metroid Prime 3, SSBB, SSX Blur, and Super Mario Galaxy all look great.
in zelda, they were disigning the graphics and game for the gcube at first.... than the wii was announced, they kept the same graphics and gameplay for the wii as gcube. so dont get worried if the zelda graphics are bad... this is just the begining.
um....?? I have a normal size tv in my room and its kinda really sucks and the graphics for call of duty 3 and others are great.... I wanna see it on my Big Lcd tv downsataries in the living room. SO dont complain and play it.
ok, none of the developers have yet tried to get good graphics. The systems only been out two months. The games that have come out so far were only concerned with releasing the games. They could've held the games longer and made the graphics better, but they knew we'd but every game anyway, which is true. Now that all the hype is dying down, you'll see developers putting some real effort into games. Personally, i can't wait for Black.
Man why are there so many complainers?

LAUNCH TITLES!!!!! Games are never usually good in the first few months, developers are more excited with the control capabilities then the graphics.

Wait till they learn how to max out the Wii's capabilities, then if you dont like it you can complain.. :frown2:

You all really gotta read more into releases and stuff before whining.

PS: Zelda: TP was good gfx for a launch title. (especially since it was designed for GC)
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I whole heartedly agree with you. The Wii’s graphics are rather lacking. Zelda looks nice. However, it never really did much to leave an impression on me graphically. Although it was originally designed for the Gamecube, I still feel it could have looked better.

I’m sure the Wii’s hardware will be put to more efficient use in the near future. However, we can’t necessarily use the fact that they are launch titles, when comparing them with their next-gen brethren. The PS3’s arsenal of games are all launch titles as well, need I remind everyone. Therefore, the full potential of the PS3 will be utilized as well. On average we can determine that as the Wii’s graphics improve the PS3’s will at the same rate. Through this ratio, the difference between the qualities of their graphics will remain roughly the same.

This really dawned on me after playing Call of Duty 3 on my Xbox360 and then playing my friends copy for the Wii. After seeing the steep graphical difference, I will never play CoD 3 for the Wii again. The Wii struggles to match the raw graphical powers of the 360 and PS3. We can pretty much deem that all 3rd party ports to the console will be very lacking in the visual department.

But then again, who bought the Wii for graphics?

Gears of War has been technically tested to currently have the most advanced graphics in the gaming industry. Computer games can only look as well as they are made to, despite the hardware. I’m sure this will change with Vista and Direct X10.
Although the graphics may not be that much better than the GC, they are a hell of alot funner. The Wii has introduced me into this whole new stage where I'm having LOADS of more fun than Ive ever had on any console.
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I understand they are launch titles and im am not whining by any means i love my nintendo wii and didn't mind waiting 16 hours in the cold for it. Now i am however just upset with the game designing companys i just believe they could put some more effort in to the games thats all. :shocked:

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