Anyone else Pist off because launch is 19th?!?

Messykitty414 said:
I'm not bashing Sony, I like sony and all they're electronics and what not, but it annoyed me because when obliv came out they were hyping it up saying 360 and pc exclusive then the ps3 comes along and says well ours will be better than the 360 because of graphics, graphics don't make a game, fun makes a game, and again I like sony but I just don't like how they went with the ps3

But not only are they beefing up the graphics for the Sony version of Oblivion, they are adding a race and adding new material. That is pretty damn good. I know one thing, Oblivion was in my top three favorite titles released for the 360 thus far. Anywho, GO WII!
ABC said:
But not only are they beefing up the graphics for the Sony version of Oblivion, they are adding a race and adding new material. That is pretty damn good. I know one thing, Oblivion was in my top three favorite titles released for the 360 thus far. Anywho, GO WII!
Gaa I'm going to have to pay for that extra obliv stuff now, if they release it, But yeah Oblivion was way up there, Right now it's Gears of War, Dead Rising, and Ghost Recon, but yeah Go Wii, can't wait
Wiired said:
Pfff... I'd be happy to get it on the 19th of Nov... compared to the extra 3 week-ish extra wait for some of us

Honestly, I don't think I could wait that long.
I am so hard core, I will not go to school on monday or tuesday! Then I have three days off, a three day weekend, then school and by then I will have beaten Twilight princess I hope, and I will have started the second quest on TP and got at least throught the first two dungeons before school starts again.

And to prove that I'm actually that hardcore, I'm dressing in a link cosplay for the midnight launch at EB which I actually got a pre order for, I was number 6 out of 8. I own.
i'm happy because it comes out on a sunday i have school monday and tues then wed. - sun. i dont have school! WII TIME!!!
TMRevolution said:
I am so hard core, I will not go to school on monday or tuesday! Then I have three days off, a three day weekend, then school and by then I will have beaten Twilight princess I hope, and I will have started the second quest on TP and got at least throught the first two dungeons before school starts again.

And to prove that I'm actually that hardcore, I'm dressing in a link cosplay for the midnight launch at EB which I actually got a pre order for, I was number 6 out of 8. I own.

wait.... you pre ordered a link outfit and you were 6 out of 8 NICE... i missed my link outfit pre orders....... darn...... (haha just playin with ya :D)
Demon Slayer said:
i try the 360 at the mall today and holy **** sucked...i mean graphics are good and all but the games are just plain BLAHHHHH!!!

I beg to differ, i have lost many a hour on pro evo 6, oblivion, ghost recon, call of duty (Brill) and many more, online is what makes it a fantastic console though (but obviously it needs some more classics i think)
These 2 weeks that are left are taking a LONG time. Honestly, if Nintendo said that the Wii would come out an hour from now, It would STILL be too long.
It doesn' bother me too much that it comes out sunday. I'm planning on skipping the 2 days of school i have that week then its thanksgiving weekend! Going to be an amazing week
I will not get my Wii on Sunday, I mean I can't I dont live in Latin America, so Ill get it later, like 5 days later, so I will have ALL the wiikend to play the Wii! YEAH!
England gets it on a friday YAY!!! WHOLE WEEKEND OF WII!!
im going to bring the fridge up to my bedroom and just live there for the next 2 days.
I have school off starting on the 23rd (wednesday) so I don't really mind. I only have to make it 3 days before I get 5 whole days to play it.
Just be thankful you don't work two jobs, which means no days off at all during the busy Christmas season. x_o; I'll probably have to have my younger brother go and pick up our system from GameStop on launch day (we split the price of the pre-order).

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