Three Days!


WiiChat Member
Aug 28, 2006
Three days to go till UK launch! I am so excitied it is a joke!:lol:
Plus, Gamestation have confirmed I'll get mine on the launch day. I wonder if they're doing the whole midnight on Thursday thing...I might go along


I can't play it till Christmas!!! So it's going to be sitting in its box taunting me! Anyone else in this position?

I think I'll just stroke it to pass the three weeks or so :lol:
Well, I've pre-ordered my Wii from Argos, but I'm still unsure as to when I'll actually get it. They've confirmed I should get it by launch, but I can't help doubting them a bit!

However, since I've paid for it out of my own pocket, I haven't got to wait till Christmas to play it. :D
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:lol: Jokes :)
Lucky you, have fun while I wait :p
I *hope* Gamestation are OK, they've always been good before. They did say they had a huge demand for them, so I might have to wait till the weekend or the Monday after. Hope not though..
Well, even if you do have to wait till the weekend or Monday, it won't matter if you can't play it for three weeks. ;)

In fact, it may be better because then it won't be sitting in your house for as long.
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Paul237 said:
Well, even if you do have to wait till the weekend or Monday, it won't matter if you can't play it for three weeks. ;)

In fact, it may be better because then it won't be sitting in your house for as long.

Fair point :p

But I need it at home to stroke :D
And us aussie get it in about 16 hours which is awesome
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