anyone else have this problem...plz help (back 2 front)


Jan 3, 2008
ive had my wii for just over a year now and about a month ago i took my wiimotes to a friends place and we were playing there was in quite a small room and on 2 or more occassions it got smacked onto a chandolier. we played for hours on end after and there was nothing rong with the remote(this is the only thing i can think of that wrecked it) when i got home i played for a bit n it worked fine. but recently it stopped working. there is a small crack next to the sensor but it worked neway. now all the motion is back to front with the motion sensor wich is gay. it works with wii play fine and lets u do menus n stuff, but in games like mario n sonic olympics and mario party 8 the little hand u use to select stuff is upside down. n i went into the wii setting n went to sensor to see if it was not working in there and everything was back to front......i seriously need help
You should get a new wiimote, but why waste money. I occasionally get the back to front thing, i know the wii mote's front sensor cover is very sensitive to light, try playing in the dark, then you'll know for sure its a light problem.
This is one probable cause, keep us posted!
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i triedplaying with the light off but with no success, still back to front, anoyone else have any ideas?
When my sencing goes back to front, I point the Wii-Mote away from the screen then back at it and shake it. That works everytime for me lol.
Have you tried sitting down for about 3 minutes on the Wii Menu just playing with the cursor? Last night I did and I figured out how to inverse it to do what you've explained above, and then doing what I did fixed it as well.

(Go outside of the sensorbars range with the little hand/ cursor upside down, flip the cursor upside right outside the range and go back onto the screen).
one of miine has done that to it is broken you can point but cannot be shaken so now you cant bowl or box or anything
this is totally irelavent but how do you get on a certain topic or make ur own some one help plz:cryin: oh and any body wanna b friends on wii im so lonley :)
lemonzzz said:
this is totally irelavent but how do you get on a certain topic or make ur own some one help plz:cryin:

Step 1: Turn off your computer
Step 2: Pack it back up in the original box
Step 3: Return it to the store you bought it from for a refund

Apparently computers and the internet are too-complex for you. Seriously, just go to the forum you want and click the HUGE [NEW THREAD] button right at the top:


Do you need it to blink too? :mad2:

Now: never post off-topic in a thread again.
Exchange rate and the power of the money is the problem^^

Just fiddle with it, shake it, bang in palm of your hand several times. Re Sync or calibrate. If none of them work contact Nintendo.

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