Neither of my nunchucks are working!!!


WiiChat Member
Aug 13, 2014
Hello everyone, I have a wii that I stopped playing for a few months And it was working perfectly. Now that I decided to pick it back up the wiimotes( which are 2,one black and white...and motion plus) work fine with regular games that don't require a nunchuck however those that do like Mario galaxy and wii sport a msg pops up when I try to play those saying the nunchuck needs to be connected even tho it is! I already tried it with both my nunchucks and controls but neither work. The battery is new so it's full and I tried the game and nunchuck with a friends wii and the same msg appeared she then tried only a game with her controls and nunchuck and still the same message appeared! We even tried get sensor on my system instead of mine thinking maybe it was busted or something but even with hers then same msg appeared. I've done research and tried just about everything! Even called nintendo support and even they think it's unusual for more than one not to be working and told me I could send it for repair or just buy a new one but they r not even sure where the problem lies so I don't wanna risk sending them for repair and being charges so much for the wrong thing. And I'd buy I new one but then it's weird the game itself didn't work with my friends nunchuck n mote either so I don't even know if it's that! Has any one of you ever had this kind of problem?!?? I really really would appreciate any help I can get!
I saw the topic of this thread and IMMEDIATELY bought two new nunchucks just in case mine becomes ill. In fact, it was acting kind'a wonky but new batteries in the remote solved the problem. I'm very nervous/cautious with those little knob/rotating thingys. Broke one on an Atari - it was getting a lot of use. So, I tend to look at those things with a jaundiced eye. Back ups!

Damn it! I KNEW it! From my fingertips to the gods' ears!!! I no sooner typed the above and my nunchuck 'c' button dies!!!!! I can't believe it!

Ah, whoops! Operater error. I'm going to go hide now.
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Damn it! I KNEW it! From my fingertips to the gods' ears!!! I no sooner typed the above and my nunchuck 'c' button dies!!!!! I can't believe it!


How old was the nunchuck? I've been (vigorously) usin' my sole one for over half a decade, hasn't broken of any sort. Yours may of simply been defective... unlucky.
I didn't know I posted twice. Thank you muchly, Mr. King, for cleaning that up for me. Wanna come do my house?

Please read further. It was operator error. I wasn't supposed to be able to use the 'C' button at that particular point. Found out as when I attached my new numchuck the 'C' button didn't work there either.

I sure did feel like a dufus-bobo head. For sure.
I didn't know I posted twice. Thank you muchly, Mr. King, for cleaning that up for me. Wanna come do my house?

Ehh... I'm a tad busy cleanin' my current abode. I'll get back to ya on that offer in a few years, give or take a decade.

Please read further. It was operator error. I wasn't supposed to be able to use the 'C' button at that particular point. Found out as when I attached my new numchuck the 'C' button didn't work there either.

I sure did feel like a dufus-bobo head. For sure.

Ah, that's what you had meant... lol.

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