Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing is better for the Gamecube in my opinion. Just for one reason only, the Gamecube version you can play NES classics like Excite Bike and Clu Clu Land.
The game is cool, it can make you stay playing for hours and hours. BUUUUUUUT, like every other game of real-time playing, it can bore you in a while, so... I reccomend it, if you want a game to play some hours a day, not all day.. like zelda's or mario's games. :smilewinkgrin:
Probably one of my best games yet. Best played online but watch out for a clan known as the ninjas or something like that, i heard they ruin your town and hack it so you can't get back in. That's why there are friend codes. Anywho You can find friend codes some place around the web. Playing this alone is unfair and playing on the same cartridge as your brother or sister = Bad choice you guys live in the same town and the guys in the town will talk about them some times
The thing about I found out about it (it was the 1st game I got for the DS ;)) is that if you've already gotten the gcn version and are looking for something new, that's not what you're going to get. The game is almost no different at all. I'm being generous (IMO) giving it an 8 out of 10.

I don't think i'd get it, because the other choices of games thata are out now, much more fun (IMO).

I'f we were talking about Animal Crossing in general i'd easily give it a 10 out of 10, it's just amazing, I just don't think they changed up the DS version enough. They needed to make it newer and more different.

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