ds car trip

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I can't use Wi-Fi in a car trip! and I don't like it I tried it at target! (that hot spot thing . . .)
Wiirdo said:
uhh yeah. . . . lets call the next mario game "the plumer dude"
Awesome dude, send that into Nintendo dude....dude...."plummer dude".

(Commercial comes on)
Announcer: "Kids and adults alike, are you ready for the brand new installment in the Mario series?!?!?!" *guys starts ripping out his hair*

Kids/adults alike: "YES!!!!!!!!!!"

Announcer: "Prepare for the amazing incredibleness that is...."Mario: Plumber Dude"!

Kids/ adults alike: "WTF?!?! You buggin' yo, less kill em dawgs!" *everyone in the world starts ripping the announcer to shreds*

Announcer: "Plz! Send your complaints to Nint-" *gets head cut off*

Yep, I could see it now...:)
Wiirdo said:
yeah! of course it looks like a lot of fun but what's the best castlevania game
Ive only played dawn of sorrow, but it was awesome. You cant go wrong with either of them...

Oh, you may not be able to find dawn of sorrow though, i hear it got discontinued.
Either Advance Wars, or Castlevania (either PoR or DoS); both have long play time and are very, very fun. But comparing PoR to DoS... I enjoyed PoR much more. DoS had to many gimicky features and PoR has vastly more play time. I'm up to ~15 hours and I havent beaten it yet. Although it was easier, I would go for PoR.
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Kiwi said:
Ive only played dawn of sorrow, but it was awesome. You cant go wrong with either of them...

Oh, you may not be able to find dawn of sorrow though, i hear it got discontinued.

naw I saw it used at eb games
ssbb_lover said:
:confused: What you talkin' bout' Willis?

The only thing you can do after you beat the game the 1st time is to make different (previously locked) choices, big deal. I did it, after the 2nd time I beat the game I was super sick of it.

P.S. I freakin love math, I don't usually get things like this wrong...


Well, compared to all the other games out there, yes.
yes but theres more than just one or two choices to make. there are tons of levels and bosses you dont even see the first time you play the game. its been a while since i played but i believe there are 12 different endings.
Wiirdo said:
naw I saw it used at eb games
That's the point >_< it's not NEW, it was used, as in it was bought when the game was still continued, now it's discontinued, so you can still find used ones.

I don't know it was discontinued for sure, i'm just takin' that guy for his word, and he even said he wasn't for sure. :)
Mario and Luigi Partners In Time is great for long car rides, trust me.
30 hours there and back to Florida from Ohio.

I beat it within that time. It was a really fun game that kept me coming back for more.

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