Alot Of Rude People On Forum

I agree with Demon Slayer. I've been on this forum for quite some time and I get so sick of people being rude. Sure, I don't like answering the same question 20 times, but that doesn't give me the right to criticize people. I usually try to answer new members questions quickly because I know some jerk may flame them, which then makes them regret their time here.

Also, Demon Slayer may not want to post the source of the rude quote because he doesn't want to be harassed by that person.
NateTheGreat said:
Also, Demon Slayer may not want to post the source of the rude quote because he doesn't want to be harassed by that person.
The person he noticed to flame is probably someone who replied to this thread. I don't know if its true, but its a possibility.:shifty::lol
All this thread has done is make the problem even worse. People are arguing in here about anything now.

When someone new to the forum makes a rehashed thread, tell them to use the search feature first in future, and then point them to the FAQ thread to make sure their questions haven't already been answered.

While I agree that it is annoying, and insulting someone new is kinda mean, it is the responsibility of the person who is new, and no one else, to search for answers to his question BEFORE he does anything else. The result of not doing that is that people get annoyed. You can't expect it not to happen, and you can't expect people not to flame the newbies who make the same old threads over and over.

The only real means of removing the threads, is to report it to a moderator, who will check the thread, and close it if need be. Flaming is going to happen. Just be happy that you're not flaming them. If you're happy to post in the threads, then do so.

In regards to the "OMG how retarded are you? Youve ****ing repeated this shizz Over and Over again WILL YOU ****ING STOP SPAMMING YOU MOTHER ****ING **** HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" thing, I haven't seen this anywhere in the forums. The only reasonable explaination is that it was deleted by a moderator. In which case, there is no reason to start a thread like this, as the moderator/s are doing their job. In fact, I would say this is moderately insulting to them aswell, as they don't necessarily want to spend all their time deleting threads / posts, when they could be enjoying friendly conversations and discussions. And everyone is entitled to their opinion, and from what I've seen, this forum is very good about that. I haven't seen anyone flamed for their opinions.

In future, if you have a problem with a person or thread, inform the moderator/s.
lol, above poster = correct. And to the "don't insult people's opinions" part, would you rather I insult them? Whats better... "rofl, ur a total n00b get some skillz dumbass" or "lol thats a stupid idea" When you post your opinion, expect people to have an opinion about it.
I Agree

I have to agree with Demon Slayer, Mr. Stoukaph and Nate. I often see posts that seem harsh. Most often they are written by posters with little tolerance or patience towards newer posters.

I also am not flaming. I personally have only had positive experiences on the board. That doesn't mean we can't show more tolerance towards new board members (such as myself) in general.

Posts also have the hidden danger of lacking inflection and emotion to clarify their meanings. The dangers of being misunderstood in chat or on forums are much greater than in a face to face conversation. When you couple that with people speaking english as a second language . . . feelings could be hurt.

On the other hand, you can flame me all day. It wouldn't bother me a bit, but some people are genuinely hurt by posted comments. All in all, does it matter? I don't know.

You just can't dismiss what Demon Slayer has said so easily. It was as if a mob were forming and attacking him until Mr. Stoukaph stepped in to shield him.

I'm just posting because I'm going crazy waiting for the Wii release date. :(


People are mean to newbs because newbs are a bit too lazy to go look it up themselves instead of spamming a new post. Seriously, if they feel the need to start a thread because they can't see the FAQs and newbie forums that are right in front of their eyes, they deserve a harsh greeting.
NateTheGreat said:
I agree with Demon Slayer. I've been on this forum for quite some time and I get so sick of people being rude. Sure, I don't like answering the same question 20 times, but that doesn't give me the right to criticize people. I usually try to answer new members questions quickly because I know some jerk may flame them, which then makes them regret their time here.

Also, Demon Slayer may not want to post the source of the rude quote because he doesn't want to be harassed by that person.

Nicely said! I know what you mean though, there is only so much of answering the same questions again and again that you can take, but it still does not justify abuse.

I suppose its difficult, I'm sure there are some posters who would fall into this category who don't mean to be rude or insulting, then again I'm sure a good portion of them know what they're doing.

No one should be in fear of flaming here.
I can confirm that the quote that Demon Slayer gave is correct. And while I believe that he should've given the link to who said it I will respect his wish to keep that poster anonomous.

To those that gave him (her?) a hard time for not proving the post, I give you the same advice you should give new people who ask repetitive questions. Use the search function.
Well i dont like to call people n00b (I gota pic for that) I welcome all with a ello unless there anoying
I agree with pretty much what everyone has posted here - its all about tolerance towards new members on the forum and informing them about using the search function correctly. I regularly go to another forum ( and there's moderators who maintain the boards so that it doesn't become rife with newb questions and the mods lock those questions and remind them to use the search function before posting.

There is minimal 'censorship' control on this forum compared to the other one I mentioned - I very rarely see mods lock a topic unless there's like 6 people nagging mods or i0n to lock it. I'm not criticising the mods or i0n himself, just comparing the two different forums.

Since I came here, I very rarely made a new topic and I read pretty much most of the topics posted here so that I was informed on what topics had been posted. This was to ensure I posted intelligently in an existing topic area, so to minimise flaming towards my posts.

This is my categorised definition with certain people's behaviour towards forums:

If you constantly post ignorant comments even though people have responded to your comments previously made, then you fall under the definition of a possible 'spammer'.

If you post or start a new topic, regardless of existing topics and cannot be bothered with reading such topics, you fall under the category of a 'noob'.

If you are naive and have never read any previous topics because you didn't know it was there before you posted a new topic or response, then you are a 'newb'. Or if you have been here for a while and gotten to know everyone, and posted a response/topic in a way a 'newb' would, then you fall under the definition of a 'lazy' person and would lean very closely towards 'noob'. Be careful there...

If you are impatient with other people, or like to provoke others, then the you are identified as a 'flamer' and people will either tell you to stop being rude or want you out of the forum.

If you post intelligently and within reason so that it is informative to read and provokes internal response, then you are a forum 'master' - a definition that is nowhere near 'noob', 'newb', or 'spammer'. These people are able to keep a topic going and can initiate an intelligent topic in which people would be happy to post there.

What do you guys think of this? If you can't be bothered to read this(and are able to read and write english intelligently and fluently) then I'd be very quick to label you as a 'lazy n00b'... XD

Cheers, Stuart
It's been interesting reading the replies and views in this thread, and i can understand the frustration that some of you are having.

But the fact is the Wii is new, very new and as we get closer to launch and the months after, we will be swamped with new members no doubt many of them will be new to the console and possibly new to gaming in general (Non-gamers are a target audience for the Wii).

These new members wont be as knowledgable as us about the console and i think it's our duty to bring them upto speed on it as quickly as possible.

If we choose to be elitest and not share our know-how with these new members then what purpose do we serve as a community?

Many of you are very patient with new members and answer their questions, pointing them in the right direction - im really pleased about that.

But it realy does boil down to the the fact that if you dont have anything positive to add to a thread, then just don't post in it - move on to another thread. If you're reading a thread that you feel is getting out of hand or already has done, then click the report thread/post button and i'll take a look at it.

Thanks for the feedback guys it's very helpful, but i think it would be really cool if we could embrace these new members wouldnt it be better to be known as a helpful and welcoming group of Wii fans :)
nicely said ion ;) i agree, if we are mean to people when they first post on here then it means they won't want to post and see the site as a whole as corrupt?
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Kunu said:
Link, please. Link to that exact thread where someone posted that.

Cause I know that's not true. Stop lying. You're rude and idiotic for lying, unless your prove yourself.
The Only Reason i don't want to say it is because i don't want to tell names...maybe that person does not want every want to know...but ill give you a hint to where i got it...its in ssbb forum and its about sonic bieng in brawl...go search for yourself

Kherrek508 said:
People are mean to newbs because newbs are a bit too lazy to go look it up themselves instead of spamming a new post. Seriously, if they feel the need to start a thread because they can't see the FAQs and newbie forums that are right in front of their eyes, they deserve a harsh greeting.
There one problem when they first get here they don't know teh site from head to toe...when i came here i didn't even know their was a FAQ before my second day...they'll probly find it but yeah i mean its very simple if you have nothing good to say then don't say anything!!

JeremyDay said:
You just can't dismiss what Demon Slayer has said so easily. It was as if a mob were forming and attacking him until Mr. Stoukaph stepped in to shield him.

thanks... thanks guys for means alot to me!!
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JeremyDay said:
I have to agree with Demon Slayer, Mr. Stoukaph and Nate. I often see posts that seem harsh. Most often they are written by posters with little tolerance or patience towards newer posters.

I also am not flaming. I personally have only had positive experiences on the board. That doesn't mean we can't show more tolerance towards new board members (such as myself) in general.

Posts also have the hidden danger of lacking inflection and emotion to clarify their meanings. The dangers of being misunderstood in chat or on forums are much greater than in a face to face conversation. When you couple that with people speaking english as a second language . . . feelings could be hurt.

On the other hand, you can flame me all day. It wouldn't bother me a bit, but some people are genuinely hurt by posted comments. All in all, does it matter? I don't know.

You just can't dismiss what Demon Slayer has said so easily. It was as if a mob were forming and attacking him until Mr. Stoukaph stepped in to shield him.

^^ what he said; read it again as if i wrote it again :yesnod: thanks for saving me all that time of typing :D

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