Everybody! Everybody!

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  • #17
Mr. person said:
did u know that wen u go to the sbemail and go to virus u can minimize one of home star runner heads:yesnod: its awesome
Yeah, there is one real Homestar pop-up out of all the fake ones! That's the best part of that sbemail!
By the way, check out the sbemail, "isp". It is alongside virus in my favorites!
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mr_resi said:
MY favourite SBemail (SBEE-MAY-ILL) is death metal :cornut: "I come for the wuggas, but stay for the jiggy jugas."

@tank, the dude just had 2 kids, jesus take it easy on him...

I don't mean recently. I read that update. I mean like in the last year or so the updates have been getting less frequent, it seems.
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tank said:
I don't mean recently. I read that update. I mean like in the last year or so the updates have been getting less frequent, it seems.
It does kind of stink that they update very rarily now, but I like looking at the old, original cartonns all the way from 2000-2001.
Ooze33 said:

That might be by favorite TGS "death".
i like the one where they all get MSG'd to death.

i used to go on the website, i dont anymore, idk why, i just dont.
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