12 new games!

All those titles are up and coming titles, set to be out between now, and the new year! (Hopefully)

Personally I can't wait for Super Mario RPG!
Out of that list only 2 games are available. Both on turbografix-16. Bonk and another game.
Demon Slayer said:
Not all of them are at launch...but everything there is what we are going to get before December 31

i checked in the official wii page and we are not getting those games...we are getting some crappy games before dec 31...i think thebest 2titles are zelda(nes) and mario64...we are not getting mario rpg(snes) before dec31...we are just getting crap>_>...so dont believe the guy that posted the big list
I just want mario 64....I never was able to get that game....so its my perfect chance!
Joe said:
I just want mario 64....I never was able to get that game....so its my perfect chance!

if u want mario go ahead...u can download it right now and play it...ull need the classic controller or the gc controller...but thats a really good game that i downloaded and im very happy playin it:p
whats on wiis site isn't the only stuff we are getting this year it is what is up right now we are getting whats on that list proble next month :)
well well well, I freaking love Mario RPG, what an awesome game!!! And Street Fighter II? Wow, I'm stoked!
I want DK64. I'm tempted to get Mario 64, but it'll have to wait (spent all my money on the Wii). After that, I want the Opera browser, I'll finish off any points I have left, then be done with the shopping channel (unless they come out with more good Wii-ware)
Don't get DK on NES it's weak.
Get a Jr. when that comes out though, that game is endless fun.
Def. want Mario RPG.
I'll pick up some of the classics, like Zelda NES and the like. I'll get Mario 64 bc I lost mine way back when :(. I'll also get some other games I rented but never owned.
This is cool stuff. I can't wait for all this.

Say I spend $10 and get 1000 points. How much is it per SNES/N64 game etc?
Flesh Warlord said:
This is cool stuff. I can't wait for all this.

Say I spend $10 and get 1000 points. How much is it per SNES/N64 game etc?


i havent paid attention to the other 2 consoles...but i think they are 600 or/and 800 pts each