About these 480p Component Cables...

Now televisions are a new story to me, these cables won't work if I just have a simple 16:9, correct?
you must have a HD or ED tv to use the compisite cables. bacily you have to have a tv that says it is compatiable with 480p images. thats all anyone really needs to know. but if u do have a compatibal tv then deffenatly get the cord im not sure if it really matters which one you buy (nintendo or 3rd party)
vagrant said:
If you see a green and blue plugin on your tv. You can use the composite cables.

I know that i have the ports for the cables. But does having these ports mean that i can support 480p? Or does it depend on the tv?
Will any type of component cable do or does it have to be a specific Wii Component cable.

In other words, does the wii have a special socket in it that only certain cables will fit into.
Ok let's assume that my tv does not support 480p but i use the YCrCb cables anyway. Will it still be better quality than the standard Av cables?
If your television doesn't support 480p, you won't even have component (Red green and blue) connections. So obviously, no. Anything is better quality than the standard AV cables... for goodness sakes, the SNES used this technology... you would have thought Nintendo would have moved on. The bottom line is... if your TV supports 16:9 HIGH DEFINITION then buy the component cables... if it is a standard definition square television then you wouldn't even be able to buy the component cables... well you could, but you wouldn't be able to use them.
Wilko21 said:
My TV has component connections. Does this mean it will support 480p?

Yup. I don't think I have seen a television that has component connection that doesn't AT LEAST support 480p. What brand and model television do you have?
It's a 68cm Celestial SF2970. This is the site for it but it doesn't say nithing bout what resolution it supports.

Welcome to Celestial

(it's not flat screen)