A rip off!!!!

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I hope so. I am very happy with my purchase, I just hope that I dont end up having to sell my wife to pay for all the added extras!
they do nickle and dime you to death but overall its normally cheeper than the other 2 systems in the end even adding 3 more wii motes and nunchucks... but then you fell the urge to buy the classic controller to match you VC games, when a gamecube and wiimoe would have worked fine instead...
and you buy the zapper for FPS games.
The steering wheels for driving games,
The sports add on's for the wiimote, ect. ect. ect. this is stuff you dont honestly need to play it. you just buy it more or less for the novelty of it...

Most the games are in the same price range as any other systems between 30-40 for a good title

honestly with how well the wii is selling im suprised they havent increased the price... you know they could eaisly do it and get away with it because of the demand for them.
i dont think it matters what any of us think because the fact of the matter is the wii is selling like hotcakes and nintendo is making loads of money, why should prices drop? why should they make cheaper games, controllers ect. the fact is they are a buisness and a very good one at that.
If you think the wii is expensive, you should see the 360 and other stuff, besides here in america the wii is the cheapest possible, and you should never buy 2nd or 3rd party games for retail price, buy em used! You can get like 5 games for the price of one if their used.
Well An XBox is about 350 for a good one... I think Also each controller is $50 plus each game, some which are priced over $50
I'll agree with Frummage and Phillepino. The Wii isn't over-priced and neither are (most) it's accessories. Compare it to it's closest possible competition.
its just money...
what else would it be doing if you didn't spend it... sitting in a drawer?
Btnjoe, I guess you are in the uk like me. I get my games from game and gamestation but buy pre owned ones. You can get brand new played once games for 10 to 15 quid cheeper. Madness. (check each copy before you buy to make sure it has the nintendo club voucher!)
Have you ever thought that the technology inside all the aspects in the Wii is quite expensive to make?
actually they make a profit off wii sales... not huge amounts but a profit still... but honestly its bad buisness to make something your gonna loose money on... even if you make it up later on with game sales...
phillepino said:
I think the nun chuck is over priced xD

Also the wii points should of been cheaper.

Yeap! I use to play all the sega mega drive games on our old laptop, cus i downloaded an emulator, and i got 2 control pad's for 5quid each!
I think either the price of the down loadable games should be cheaper or the points cards should be.

Also about the price thing, retailer's are just making you buy bigger packages so the RETAILER'S can get more out of you, and Microsoft, now know's there graphics count for crap, thats why they're now competing on price.
i wouldn't say the Wii is a rip off, considering the price is lower than other consoles. an like Arch0n said, xbox 360 or ps3 controllers are at least $50, generally more though.
But if you look at what technology you get in the console itself, the Wii is the worst deal of the 3. Sony and Microsoft are both losing money per console, every Wii sold generates a profit for Nintendo though. So if you look at it that way the Wii isn't as good of a deal as the PS3 or 360.

Really an xbox 360 is cheaper? Maybe if they let me use my collection of firewire drives on it. Really though do some research. The Wii actually has the fastest ram in a console right now. Its a form of Sram which is very expensive. Yes the GC had a little but the Wii has way more and thing you have the auto loading tray, Wifi is built in... SD ports... and this is a chip at a higher clock with even more functions embedded this time.

Now we can talk about the controller which has some really sweet tech in it also. You have a IR camera and accelerometers and rumble all built on blue tooth then you have that 3 dollar speaker in it and other mysterious chips. Also get your self a recharger man.

If you want a controller solution try going with the controller converters. Yes you can take really SNES controllers and convert them to game cube controllers. I'm not sure if this is wireless yet but it works! I'm looking for one to use with a N64 controller to play sin&punishment right now.

Really though if you think nintendo is ripping you off then maybe you should sell it for twice the price. I would not call that a rip off, would you? You can't do that with an xbox 360 right now.

Hey but it's cool it's your opinion but take the HD plunge and get ready to feel used if your funds come up short.
nintendo is a good company thay price everything VARRY nice and evin go and gies us free wiimote jackets thinking how menny if them thay have to send out every day giveing up free stuff cus shipping cost crap loads and the packinging the jackets them self 100% free for us probly cost them millions after everyone gets them