UK Wii Points Rip Off

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  • #16
Now that sounds like a statement from Richard Branson?
Mr. 'I do it for the people', and hey look what happened? I became one of the worlds richest men.

How on earth could that be??

Because were getting screwed!!!!

VAT at 17.5% still only makes it about £12.00, not the £14.00 we have to pay in the UK???
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Napalmbrain said:
Yeah, we're being ripped off. As usual. Everything costs more in Europe, and my guess is it's due to higher taxes than in America. These days I spending a lot more on Amazon and Play than in shops...

By the way, 79aust- are you sure Game was selling them at £19.95? The Game stores in my town sell them for £14.99.

I can't remember the last time I bought something in a shop! If it's the same price on Play as it is in Woolworths then I'll bike up on a Saturday morning and buy it, like I did with my second Wii nunchuck and Brain Training.
I wouldn't mind it if worked out that we were paying about a pound or two more than the US, but we're actually paying nearly 50% more! It's absolutely ridiculous. The Wii Points system has to be reviewed by Nintendo, from cost of purchase to price of VC games.
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Just remember as well that you buy points to buy Classic Games that hey you will probably need a classic controller for as well, this Wii thing is starting to get costly?
Here in Aus its Like $30 for 2000 Points. I have screamed Boycott until they reduce the price.
I was actually going to buy points off to make them cheaper, but apparently the points cards are region locked.
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Who do we scream at though??
Surely with this age of communication they can't blank this out???
This discussion has already proved that people will talk and disclose the truth, I guess if we say to much they'll delete the discussion???
Oh how we love diplomacy :)
79Aust said:
Just remember as well that you buy points to buy Classic Games that hey you will probably need a classic controller for as well, this Wii thing is starting to get costly?
To be fair, it probably balances itself out against the cheap price of the console and games. I mean, Xbox 360 games are expensive and you need to pay a subscription for Xbox Live, while the PS3 is costly and expect the games to be immensely expensive.

I don't mind paying £15 for another remote to play classic games, whereas I would mind paying £400 for a PS3 of shelling out a monthly subscription fee to Microsoft.
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  • #24
Good Point and well worth mentioning.
But my rant is over the levels we pay in the UK for all gaming consoles and merchandise compared to both Europe, Japan and the states.
I'm also frustrated as I brought a second nunchuck controller from the states on ebay, well before Xmas and it still hasn't arrived.
I'm now looking for a Classic Controller and don't know where to look for the best pricing?
79Aust said:
Good Point and well worth mentioning.
But my rant is over the levels we pay in the UK for all gaming consoles and merchandise compared to both Europe, Japan and the states.
I'm also frustrated as I brought a second nunchuck controller from the states on ebay, well before Xmas and it still hasn't arrived.
I'm now looking for a Classic Controller and don't know where to look for the best pricing?
We get ripped off for everything here in Britain.

As for the classic controller, the cheapest I have found it is on HMV, for £11.99. But they have a six week waiting list, and I've had an order with them for two weeks and there has been no update as to what is happening. So, impatiently, I went out and bought one from Woolworths for £15 today.
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  • #26
Thank you for the advise with the Classic Controller.

Thanks to everyone whos taken the time to join in this discussion, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one a bit mythed as to whats happening out there.
Im not so arsed about wii points right now as most of the VC is **** at the moment anyway. Ill only be picking up mario kart really and maybe some of the marios.

Anyway if you want to complain go speak to Gordon Brown as its taxes that whack so much on. Also I hope in the first post you added on US taxes, as they arent in the retail price.
i had some wii points as an xmas present. these were from game £14.99. I saw in gamestation that they were £19.99, and in woolworths they were £13.99.

i havent been able to get a classic controller yet, so havent loaded the points on. i was offered a gamecube one in game, however, they just dont have the appeal of the wii classic.
i tottaly agree i live in germany here the orice is 20 euros which is heck of a lot more than 20 $ however the problem is that nintendo has the monopoly and it cant be changed
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