A reason why you shouldn't buy a Xbox

heres a reason why buying 360 for gears is smart,ur pc is a slow peace of ****,its old,or you wanna play the good ol way,with a ****ing game pad.i gots me a 360,broke once my fault,now if only the ****ing store would get the wii in i would have the best of both worlds.
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psychono2 said:
wow what a stupid reason not to have a 360,ur retarded,i have a pic of paris in a magazine with paris wearing attenas and has a wii necklace around her neck painted all blue,thats no reason not to get a wii.

People can't understand a joke?
no i understand a joke it just seems like everybodys hating on so many systems,i mean sure when given the chance to make fun of the ps3 i take it,but making a thread just to hate on a system is too far man.
psychono2 said:
no i understand a joke it just seems like everybodys hating on so many systems,i mean sure when given the chance to make fun of the ps3 i take it,but making a thread just to hate on a system is too far man.

You mean like the entire Ps3 section? Now that it's about the 360, it's going too far. Interesting double standards.
no different like you make a thread to ask why people are killing themselves,but this is making a thread just cause you feal like hating on the system you hate.
psychono2 said:
no different like you make a thread to ask why people are killing themselves,but this is making a thread just cause you feal like hating on the system you hate.

What the hell? Is that even a sentence?
nice one!whatever i just cant believe this thread lasted so long.
Yuu said:
haha you guys are funny.. all talk. if someone as hot as paris were to even talk to you, you'd probably just **** your pants

haha thats exactly right. people are all talk saying that shes not hot and all that kind of thing... when really when it comes down to it she is hot and they would root her if they had the chance to (which they never will :D)
psychono2 said:
heres a reason why buying 360 for gears is smart,ur pc is a slow peace of ****,its old,or you wanna play the good ol way,with a ****ing game pad.i gots me a 360,broke once my fault,now if only the ****ing store would get the wii in i would have the best of both worlds.

You do know that you can easily use the xbox gamepad on the PC, right?
yes,i know that but i rather look at a tv not a damn monitor,didnt get a 3000 dollar tv to sit on ya know.
haha thats funni lol id love to play around with it....and maybe get a 360 lol eehh i dont realli like her too much but i have a wii and thats whats "hot"
yea i know its a joke. they showed the same thing on another forum and everyone else egknowleged that it was a joke but here....

(huh... scence when was ABC banned...)

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