A reason why you shouldn't buy a Xbox

Yuu said:
haha you guys are funny.. all talk. if someone as hot as paris were to even talk to you, you'd probably just **** your pants
Or any other girl for that matter. :hand:
Yuu said:
haha you guys are funny.. all talk. if someone as hot as paris were to even talk to you, you'd probably just **** your pants
wow, your a moron. paris is a ****ing DOG. she is a spoiled brat who needs to be hit by a truck (she already looks it).

White-Wolf said:
all the best games in the world dont mean a thing if they system that plays them breaks in 3 days eh?

everyone i know who has a 360 hasnt had theirs break. my xbox1, which i got 1 week after launch, still works like a champ. even the shitty thompson drive in it will read just about anything i throw at it. my xbox360 has only frozen on me a handfull of times and 80% of those times it was my fault because i brought up the guide menu right as the loading screen was about to go away
(note to white wolf. that was just a little FYI. i wasnt flaming:thumbsup: )
Mitch2025 said:
wow, your a moron. paris is a ****ing DOG. she is a spoiled brat who needs to be hit by a truck (she already looks it).

Haha, Seriority Girls, such a great movie.

Mitch2025 said:
everyone i know who has a 360 hasnt had theirs break. my xbox1, which i got 1 week after launch, still works like a champ. even the shitty thompson drive in it will read just about anything i throw at it. my xbox360 has only frozen on me a handfull of times and 80% of those times it was my fault because i brought up the guide menu right as the loading screen was about to go away
(note to white wolf. that was just a little FYI. i wasnt flaming:thumbsup: )

I don't get where the misconception that 360's break all the time comes from. Those people who are on there 3rd or 4th, are just dumbasses with pre-2006 consoles that will put their 360's on carpet, inbetween a wall and the box, and leave it on for 12 hours straight. So far my old 360 froze 3 times, which was because something went wrong with the hardware because I forgot to turn mine off and I had it in a cramped spot vertically. My current 360 frooze ounce when loading up Halo 2, which was obviously caused by the backwards comatability emulator, and not the 360 hardware it's self. So really, if your smart with your 360, it shouldn't break unless you got a lemon.
I set mine up perfectly with enough fan space and wham perfect dark zero has a very low frame rate then, 3 days later "sorry mate i know you only just got me but im a lazy bastard and i dont wanna load anything anymore" is what i get.

oh and i only clocked about 1 hour of play on it.
oh and also yeah I've seen the episode where butters gets a shuriken in his eye lol.
motherbrainrulez said:
oh and also yeah I've seen the episode where butters gets a shuriken in his eye lol.

Hahahahha! That was one of my favorite episodes of all time. Right up there with the WoW episode.
I wouldn't buy an Xbox 360, I just don't want to, really. However, if I just had to sleep with Paris Hilton for the night for a free Xbox 360, then I would do it~!
Mitch2025 said:
wow, your a moron. paris is a ****ing DOG. she is a spoiled brat who needs to be hit by a truck (she already looks it).

no YOU'RE a moron. i don't know why you're wishing harm to her, has she done anything to you? from what people tell me, she's actually a really nice person. Spoiled? yes probably... but what do you expect when you're the daughter of HILTON hotels?

i don't understand people who bash celebrities, it's not like she's done anything bad except acting spoiled on tv. i've dated my share of spoiled princesses, and yes they're annoying as hell, but would i wish for her to be hit by a truck?? noooo :nono:
right i have pre ordered the wii and its toldme i cant have it till after x mas should i wait or gt x box 360 sum1 please help me!
i thought that the sign on the case " Xbox 360 only " was litteral, on another note would the average PC handle gears of war?
Brad The Best said:
i thought that the sign on the case " Xbox 360 only " was litteral, on another note would the average PC handle gears of war?

Halo was Xbox only, and it came to the PC.

And they don't make many games nowadays "for the average pc."

And my computer's graphics are far > your xbox 360's graphics. And when directx10 comes out, they will be like twice as good.
wow what a stupid reason not to have a 360,ur retarded,i have a pic of paris in a magazine with paris wearing attenas and has a wii necklace around her neck painted all blue,thats no reason not to get a wii.
Arcadium said:

Do I have to say more?

Nuff Said.

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