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Ezekiel86 said:Thanks Nate, it's nice to know there's still some reasonable people left on this forum! It makes me feel sick to see people blatantly hating a population just for the sake of it, or worse because someone else told them to (I believe Marisa mentioned something along these lines too, so kudos).
The biggest problem is the lack of education and xenophobia (fear of the unknown if i remember correctly). People have been fear instilled into them by the mass media which blinds them of the real humanity of these events.
As Yoda says "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering". Even though Star Wars is fiction that phrase is still completely true, anyone can see that.
If only the general public could be educated about the real causes of these issues instead of having their judgement clouded by religious extremists and constant threats of terrorist attacks while being reminded their presidents regime is the only thing that stands between their "freedom" and a "brutal regime", makes you wonder...
Agreed. I've seen too much racism in recent years, especially against those from the Middle East. And you're right, the problem stems from a lack of understanding on the West's part. Instead of really analysing the situation and why some people are willing to go and blow themselves up, politicians just blame it on "extemists". Why? Because it's easier. This means people just blindly follow them, and then some make a generalisation too far and blame it on an entire race or religion.
You're right about history lessons too. I'm not sure exactly what they're like over in America, but here in Britain we're never taught about other cultures and peoples, just British history (or to be more precise, just English history). And because we never learn about these cultures, we never understand their customs and this just leads to the xenophobia we see all the time. Oh, and Nate's history of music thing would be cool too.