Nick Atack
=( Blooper isnt in Brawl
Jeff25 said:Here's some more ideas I have that I didnt mention before:
Fire Starter:
Elephire - Pronounced "Ele" "fire" (Elephant + Fire)
Small Elephant PKMN
Height: 2'00" Weight: 26 lbs
Evolves: Lv. 18
Type(s):[/I] Fire
Evolves to...
Elephlare - Pronounced "Ele" "Flare" (Elephant + Flare)
Lava Elephant PKMN
Height: 3"07" Weight: 79 lbs
Evolves: Lv. 36
Type(s): Fire/Ground
Evolves to...
Magmammoth - Pronounced "Mag" "Mam" "Oth" (Magma + Mammoth)
Magma Elephant PKMN
Height: 7'07" Weight: 363 lbs
Type(s): Fire/Ground
Signature Move: Magma Burst (Fire move) (Power: 150, Acc.: 70)
Description: An enormous mammoth with large tusks. The tips of the Tusks blaze with fire, and it's fur coat is slightly red/orange-like, which represents its Fire type.
Stats (Highest to Lowest): HP, Attack, Defence, Sp. Def., Sp. Attk., Speed
Grass Starter:
Churroot - Pronounced "Churr" "Plant" (Churp + Root)
Tiny Tree Bird PKMN
Height: 1'04" Weight: 10 lbs
Evolves: Lv. 14
Type(s): Grass/Flying
Evolves to...
Soaroot - Pronounced "Sore" "Root" (Soar + Root)
Soaring Hawk PKMN
Height: 3'00" Weight: 54 lbs
Evolves: Lv. 36
Type(s): Grass/Flying
Evolves to...
Vulcherroot - Pronounced "Vul" "Cher" "Root" (Vulcher + Root)
Tallon Vulcher PKMN
Height: 5'11" Weight: 130 lbs
Type(s): Grass/Flying
Signature Move: Rumble Root (Grass move) (Power: 120, Acc.: 90)
Description: A speedy vulcher, with sharp tallons. Its apperance is similar to a Fearow, but it's feathers are a beautiful green-like color, and on it's head appears to be a small bush, unlike the red mo-hawk-like hair doo on a Fearow's head. It stares down enemies with its piercing eyes.
Stats (Highest to Lowest): Speed, Attack, Sp. Attk., HP, Sp. Def., Defense
I know I have a Water type Starter Idea to go with these two, but I couldn't remember what it was while I was posting I'll have to post it later once I remember or come up with a new one.
Well,those are good ideas....but I like mine better(no ofence).........and I like the new Avatar Jeff!
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