512mb Memory?

heymoe99 said:
ok, maybe i dont totally get it. i dont know any stock holders to ask, and i dont know anybody at the sony hq, so i cant ask them..

what happens if the ps3 flops? they're sitting everywhere. only 1 of my friends owns 1, and my friends have $ (working full time has it's perks). if not many have 1, nobody's gonna buy games.

(the assembly cost was in the list of stuff in the link from GThwait)

if it flops they lose a lot of money, but they make so many things that it won't cripple them, whereas if the Wii completely failed Nintendo would be up sh**'s creek since it really wouldn't have anything to fall back on aside from selling licenses (see: Atari)

Sony and Microsoft are more in the Gaming "game" for plublicity than anything... they dont need to make money or profit they just need to break Even.., and they are happy

Microsoft barely makes anymoney on xbox even after game sales... high millions thats nothing compared to there trillion dollar software buisness... so why do it..
think how many people talk about there microsoft xbox and how awsome it is... now think about how many people talk about how awsome windows Vista is "dont hurt yourself i couldnt think of any eaither"...lol its all for plublicity

Sony is the Same way... Why sell a PS3 when your barely going to make any money on it? specially compared to your tv,pc,dvd sales.. its a small small fraction of profit compared to the rest... but Sony shows the world its Fancy Blue ray player with the PS3.. which otherwise probably would have failed... not that its doing great it would have done much worse without ps3....

Nintendo is the Rare one these days in gaming to make money and be in gaming only...
indeed. The days of gaming companies just being gaming companies is over aside from Nintendo. That used to be the rule now its very much so the acception.
Atari is barely holding on, Sega is barely doing anything, SNK only produces new versions of old Neo Geo games at this point, I don't think Play:Right(manufacturers of Turbo Grafx-16) is doing anything any longer either.
Nintendo is really all that's left of the true video game companies(which oddly enough started out creating a multitude of things/service companies).
sorry, i guess i'm just sceptical of things. it's the way i am. too many conspiracies and stuff. documents can be altered, people can say something and it be the complete opposite of whats really happening, ect..

i'm a non-conformist, not a leader or a follower. i believe little of what is out there, except stuff i've experienced. beLIEve.
heymoe99 said:
sorry, i guess i'm just sceptical of things. it's the way i am. too many conspiracies and stuff. documents can be altered, people can say something and it be the complete opposite of whats really happening, ect..

i'm a non-conformist, not a leader or a follower. i believe little of what is out there, except stuff i've experienced. beLIEve.

i don't completely blame you, there are people out there who live like kings at home and drive around cars that cost a $1/2 million or something insane but according to their tax return they make less than i do. haha:lol:
don't believe everything, but doubting everything is just as bad.

heymoe99 said:
i'm not buying it..

and on a personal note:
Kid???????? If you're over 40, then you can call me a kid.

and best buy sucks... employees are no help and they dont carry much..

lol.. yeah.. best buy sucks.. that's why we're the only retailer besides wal-mart to be opening stores and not closing.. CompUSA and Circuit City are all closing stores.. Moron.
sremick said:
Agreed, especially with the popularity of virtual console games. I've already heard about people filling up their Wii's memory.

And then what happens when Nintendo finally gets their heads out of their posteriors concerning online? Like downloadable Guitar Hero content? Where does it go? You think the 512 is filling up fast now, just you wait...

Doesn't help that the SD card slot is virtually useless in this regard. Another idiotic design decision by Nintendo.

Don't get me wrong: I love my Wii, but I'm no mindless fanboy... Nintendo has made some utterly-stupid intentional limitations with the unit and I'm perfectly willing to call them out on them.

Finally someone making some sense here. Great post.

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