512mb Memory?

They need to do a system update that lets the Wii use USB drives and SD cards for space, that would be great.
i dont think we need a Hard drive add on.. it just wont get that crazy enough... i mean whos going to go and buy every VC game? even hardcore isnt gonna waste that kidna money on old games...

but like Sremick said.. they need to intergrate the SD slot with the rest of the wii so you can play flawlessy between the internal memory and the SD memory as if it is 1...

they have 32gig SD cards right around the corner and some 8 and 10 gigs SD's out now, the wii isnt like the 360 and ps3 in the sence of what we want to download crazy stuff we dont need, but i would like to be able to fit all my VC games and my Wii game saves. It would also be smart to still have some room for extra stuff like demos,GH3 songs ect.. without having to erase and copy from one to the other...

all they really need is a patch to make the SD instream with the main memory. This wouldnt be hard at all, and my guess is they are probably just being "nintendo" and making sure before they give us this type of update that it cant be hacked or messed with... last thing they want is people getting there code, or downloading free roms... Nintendo is usually pretty good at protecting there code..
heymoe99 said:
why would anybody sell an item that costs them $? you know that microsoft and sony are making $. it's not proffitable to make consoles and taking a loss...


Seriously kid, I don't just make things up. They sell things at a loss because they make money elsewhere.. I work at best buy and they sell all their laptops at a loss because its the accessories they make money off of. Please do some research before you just assume someone is wrong.
heymoe99 said:
why would anybody sell an item that costs them $? you know that microsoft and sony are making $. it's not proffitable to make consoles and taking a loss...

It's very well known that Microsoft and Sony sell their consoles at a loss. They hope to make up the difference in game sales, and also manufacturing costs go down over time. In fact the Sony president just recently said that they hope to get the PS3 to be profitable in another year or so.
Skippy said:
It's very well known that Microsoft and Sony sell their consoles at a loss. They hope to make up the difference in game sales, and also manufacturing costs go down over time. In fact the Sony president just recently said that they hope to get the PS3 to be profitable in another year or so.

heymoe99 said:
the original xbox had like 4 gig of hd space. it was on an actual hd though. nintendo's is not. it's not as simple as adding some weight and space for the size of a jump drive. it's more involved than that.

the original xbox was huge and really heavy. they still make games for the ps2, and they still sell them.

why would anybody sell an item that costs them $? you know that microsoft and sony are making $. it's not proffitable to make consoles and taking a loss...

Sremick is also right. A lot of companies sell the main unit of whatever product they sell assuming that you'll be buying the accessories, games, programs, cartridges, memory, various other accessories depending on the product which is where they really make their money. Wii is actually the odd one out, it's the only console right now that is making profit on the console itslelf. If sony charged enough to make a profit on each PS3, the price would be high enough that pretty much NOONE would buy it. The launch price of PS3 was $499 for the 20gig and $599 for the 60gig, they were losing about $250 per console, so at launch, just to break even the 20gig model would have been priced at around $750!!! Not many people are willing to pay that kind of price for a video game console, even with all the bells and wistles. Granted production costs have gone down a lot due to the hardware being less costly, but they also dropped the price, so Sony is still losing somewhere around $100-$150 per unit sold. I'm honestly not sure how much Microsoft gets hit with per unit but i'm pretty sure it isn't as bad as Sony, but they also dropped the price so maybe its close at this point.

sremick said:
Then all they needed to do was allow you to have your SD (or SDHC) card simply add to main memory and work seamlessly as a unified amount of memory. This would allow the end-user to buy whatever amount of extra memory they chose (or not buy any at all) while not increasing the system price. But Nintendo didn't do this mind-numbingly obvious thing.
Hell I would have been happy if they had no internal memory and required you to buy an SD card yourself for game saves/VC downloads/downloadable content/etc etc.
i'm not buying it..
SATA drives under $45 US. the chart says $54.

"Topping the list is the Reality Synthesizer from NVIDIA, which handles the PS3's graphics. According to iSuppli, Sony's cost for that chip is $129"
sony buys these in mass quantities. these prices are costs for 1. when you buy in bulk, you get discounts, no matter what you buy... what they tell you and what they know just may be 2 different stories.

and on a personal note:
Kid???????? If you're over 40, then you can call me a kid.

and best buy sucks... employees are no help and they dont carry much..
yeah, making big money on all of those laptop accessories.. all 25 of them, and most of them are DVD's and CD's
You can not "buy it" all you want but its true... ask sony stock holders... they have taken the hit to the wallet more than anyone...

its not the everyday stuff they lose money on.. of course they can get hard drives and basic coumputer hardware cheep... there Effin sony they make half of this stuff themself...
its the top of the line CPU GPU's that cost them... they take the most top of the line chipsets and put it in there new consoles... so new most the time its not even offered on PC's yet so they are buying in a sense prototype parts for the first few million units.. after a while of being made the price goes down... thats basic manufacturing...

Sony is in the Red when it comes to ps3's its not an argument its fact..

MS is barely making any money but they are making some

and Nintendo always makes money off of there consoles... they arn't MS or Sony with more than one department... all they do is gaming they have ot make money on every aspect or they cant compete...

the other 2 will make more money on the consoles as time goes on Sony maybe breaking even with enough sales but turning a profit will be barely any at all when finnished

They make enough money in game sales, accessories,licenses, that they dont need ito make it with the systems... gotta spend money to make money
heymoe99 said:
i'm not buying it..
SATA drives under $45 US. the chart says $54.

"Topping the list is the Reality Synthesizer from NVIDIA, which handles the PS3's graphics. According to iSuppli, Sony's cost for that chip is $129"
sony buys these in mass quantities. these prices are costs for 1. when you buy in bulk, you get discounts, no matter what you buy... what they tell you and what they know just may be 2 different stories.

and on a personal note:
Kid???????? If you're over 40, then you can call me a kid.

and best buy sucks... employees are no help and they dont carry much..
yeah, making big money on all of those laptop accessories.. all 25 of them, and most of them are DVD's and CD's

yes they don't pay the same as if you ordered one, however that doesn't mean that they're paying pennies on the dollar either. You also have to factor in the fact that once all these parts get to them they then have to get them assembled and whether it's by man or machine it costs money, then the packaging, then shipping them to stores, and they're not selling them to the store at the price of $399 and $499 because the retail outlet needs to get their cut too. I'm not even sure why we're debating this, it's a well documented fact that sony is losing money with each console they sell.
As far as best buy goes i can't totally disagree with you, some employees are great some suck, just like pretty much everywhere else. And i don't think the manufacturer takes a hit when they sell the notebooks/etc, but best buy might. They make a bunch back when they sell you their extended service plans and whatnot.

ok, maybe i dont totally get it. i dont know any stock holders to ask, and i dont know anybody at the sony hq, so i cant ask them..

what happens if the ps3 flops? they're sitting everywhere. only 1 of my friends owns 1, and my friends have $ (working full time has it's perks). if not many have 1, nobody's gonna buy games.

(the assembly cost was in the list of stuff in the link from GThwait)
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smyth said:
yes they don't pay the same as if you ordered one, however that doesn't mean that they're paying pennies on the dollar either. You also have to factor in the fact that once all these parts get to them they then have to get them assembled and whether it's by man or machine it costs money, then the packaging, then shipping them to stores, and they're not selling them to the store at the price of $399 and $499 because the retail outlet needs to get their cut too. I'm not even sure why we're debating this, it's a well documented fact that sony is losing money with each console they sell.
As far as best buy goes i can't totally disagree with you, some employees are great some suck, just like pretty much everywhere else. And i don't think the manufacturer takes a hit when they sell the notebooks/etc, but best buy might. They make a bunch back when they sell you their extended service plans and whatnot.


exactly if you ever worked in manufacturing you know that when something new is getting produced it takes extra people to make one item... and its all hands on at first, they have probably 15 people just to make one ps3 on an assembly line. That why the First launch consoles normally have glitches and bugs nothign is standardized yet...
dont forget to including the cost of plastic for the case...Plastic is based on petrolium prices so its also increasing alot...
So you got the wages of 15 people,whatever waste you have, and slow production in the early stages.. Dont forget to add in the Cost of R&D to make it in the first place and all the expensive prototypes and tools that had to be built to mass produce them...

After say a year or so of making something you get better at it you reduce the amount of waste to make one product, and the amount of people to make it so there might be say 9 people on the assembly line now and maybe a few high speed robots, production is faster, waste is down.. cost is down, profits go up...

Read a book its good for you...:smilewinkgrin:
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Since heymoe apparently needs proof, I'll do his homework for him:

"When the console was launched over a year ago, Sony lost a lot of money on each console they sold, but as production costs fall, there’s a big chance they’ll make some money. This isn’t really surprising as it was always the plan to sell the console at a loss to make it ‘affordable’ for early adopters and hardcore gamers, just like Microsoft did with their Xbox 360."

"The entertainment and devices division [at Microsoft] generated $6-billion (U.S.) in revenues last year but still lost money."

"At the moment, Sony loses money on every PS3 that it sells. "


"The entry price of the PlayStation 3 fell significantly in 2007 – and while component costs also went down, Sony was still selling hardware at below cost. At the time of the PlayStation 3 launch in mid-November 2006, iSuppli estimated that Sony was losing $240 on each 60GB PS3 and $300 on each 20GB PS3 that it sold."

"The news means that Microsoft's device division will probably be profitable for the fourth quarter. It lost money for years. But it also raises the issue of why the world's largest software company is in the business at all. The division brought in $1.9 billion last quarter, but had an operating profit of only $134 million."

I could come up with countless more articles since they go back for years, but hopefully that's enough to bring dissenters back to reality so we can have a conversation based on facts, versus debating whether the earth is flat or round.
Here's an article from yesterday where Sony's Kaz Hirai discusses how they're hoping the PS3 can be profitable sometime during the next fiscal year (which starts in April) due to cost drops in components and eliminating some components entirely.

That article is from yesterday. So no, Sony is not currently making a profit off of PS3 hardware sales yet.

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