45 min's to ride over hyrule!

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LoL... i don't think u will ever ride over hyrule in 45 min's, but it will be possible if u wan't to.. it's just to describe how big it actually is. and for that guy who says he uses alf an hour to from one place to another in Oot :
huh? objection!
Wiired said:
I just thought (totally off topic but still) that it would be soo cool if they bought the Dynasty Warriors series to the Wii and did this sorta thing.. cool or what :crazy:

That would be sick! Dynasty warriors with the wiimote :arf:
I'm Pretty Sure That The 45 mins Are Just By Link Running, Not On Horseback...
That'd Be Ridiculus(sp?)...
Linke linkzeldagame Said... Lake Hylia To The Top Of Death Mountain Is 20 Minutes While Link Isn't On Epona... While It Takes Four Minutes On Epona If You Ride Epona To The River Get Off, Run Through Kakariko, And Run Up Death Mountain... That's How You Get The Biggoron Sword In That Game.

So I'm Sure That It's 45 Minutes While Running...
omg! that is awesome! The horse riding was one of my favourite bits in Oot.
And now we get loads of it, w00t!
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I still stand by the fact its impratcial and they were probabbly meaning how long it takes to walk over hyrule feild not ride
Yeah 45 minutes would not be fun - even with fights and such - I remember wanting to race across as fast as possible in OoT so that i wouldnt have to fight the skeletons in the field - that was boring and frustrating - it would be neat if this made the game seem more like a real world and you could go into all sorts of different landscapes etc (ocean, canyon, mountains, woods, field etc) But There will most likely be a shortcut like we have seen in majoras mask and wind waker where you can simply warp to specific points on the map.
Well, if it is 45 mins on foot it wont be bad because you get your horse like at the beginning of the game. You see him on it in his ranch clothes, so unless you actually get the horse later, you can ride from very early on.

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