45 min's to ride over hyrule!

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i can't find any resonds why this would be bad! i will love it!
and how many times do we have to say it yeah! teleportation;)
that's the thing!
infernocs said:
I'we always wanted someone to come out with a game that would take like days to get from one end of the world to the other, that would mean lots and lots of places to visit on the way

You should check out Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall. It's almost as old as time itself, but it's unbelievably big- two weeks to get from one side of the map to the other!
Perhaps the news got a bit exaggerated along the way, and... well...

Perhaps it's 45 mins to go around the circumference of the map. Then it would be a lot less to travel the diameter.

Without doing much working out, is that about 15 mins for the diameter assuming the map is a full circle?
^you pay attention in math too much -_-^

Holy Crap! Two Weeks!? On Elder Scrolls...Hmm... Never Played It...
Why just stop at speed getting upgraded i suggested this before but if your goning to have mounted battles why not be able to buy armour to protect your horse and you
oh well...
But still 45 minutes really does seem very unrealistic cause if you think about it, they've said someting about 60-70 hours (can't be bothered checking) to complete the game. If that is inclusive of travelling that means majority of your time travelling and not muich for other non travelling activiites.

The 45 minutes might mean how long it'll take by foot possibility because its ment to be impractical to walk across hyrule field hmmmm........
for the detail of the terrian, im sure there would be loading points like in the GTA series to keep up the performance.

And it is likely that they will use more than one disk like in resident evil 4.
The rumour is like 3 discs:yikes: :yikes:

when i heard this new, it made me want to get the game even more
well, for many reasons :incazzato:
:crazy: The More Youre Riding You Horse, The More You Can Think ABout The Games Like BRawl...
i found the following on google; now they're all very nice pics. But please look at their backgrounds; large expanses of fields, forests. Im presuming that you can go right up to the moantains in the far far away ditance.

Happy riding everyone!

P.S hopefully they will upload ok...


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What Do You Think THe ReDeads*shudder*, Tekites, Skutullas, Stalfos, Etc. Will Look Like? Yet Alone Ganondorf/Ganon

EDIT: Woah! Link DOesn't Have His Master Sword In Those Pics! WTF!?
Hmmm liked the pics here. Had a look at the background. Has a plains kind of feel to it.

Speaking about the 45 mins thing, in OoT it took about 30 mins from your starting point to the Desert Colossus without any form of teleportation or quick shortcuts. No horse either.

It also takes about 20mins from Lake Hylia (top of water temple entrance) to the peak of Death Mountain. I assume it will be a very similar scenario here in TP.

I wonder if there's going to be any houses or villages along the plains in TP. Windwaker was ok but it tended to be a bit repetitive in sea exploration as there was always an Island per grid on the map. And in just about every grid had an enemy. Hope the same wont be in TP.

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