3DS friends code exchange.


If anyone wants to add me, my friend code is 1676-3754-1255. The only game I have for it right at this moment is Pilotwings Resort, but I'm planning on getting BlazBlue, and OoT
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hi killa ..oo my first 3ds buddy.......thank you ill go take:biggrin: a look

hello i added you =)

3DS FC :1032-1259-7001

name: L 4 C

hello everyone add me if you like dont forget to tell me wen u do k

3DS FC :1032-1259-7001

name: L 4 C

I got my 3DS this morning so now i need people to play it with. My friends code is 4854 6421 0209 name is Killa Kam. So far its great haven't got a game yet but should be getting street fighter tomorrow.

hey i added you

3DS FC :1032-1259-7001

name: L 4 C
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I just got my 3ds today and none of my friends have on yet.
my code is 1203-9248-0982. :]

send me your code if you added me so I can add you


hello jess i added you you should add me =)

3DS FC :1032-1259-7001

name: L 4 C

hello everyone add me if you like dont forget to tell me wen u do k

3DS FC :1032-1259-7001

name: L 4 C

I added u

hello jess tm wats your fc? so i can add ou to?

Hai~ I got my 3DS at launch.

My 3DS Friend Code is 2234-7140-1581

Feel free to add me! We will have lots of fun together. :3

hello pkmhill i added you

3DS FC :1032-1259-7001

name: L 4 C

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my 3ds fc is 4725 8040 8001 i have super street fighter planning on getting metal gear and resident evil what have you heard about those games
i have a 3ds and need new friends my friend code is 2363-5624-4373 and my name is joshua tell me when you added me so i can add you as a friend :mushroomlife:
3DS FC is 3566-1651-0881

Name is Chiyo-chan.

And I don't have any online games yet.

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