3DS friends code exchange.

I got my 3DS this morning so now i need people to play it with. My friends code is 4854 6421 0209 name is Killa Kam. So far its great haven't got a game yet but should be getting street fighter tomorrow.

Hi. I added you to my friend list. My code is 1075 0739 0941. Name is lilly.
my code is 0301-9780-5756 i put all your codes in my 3ds if u could all add me back i would love to be friends with u guys so please add me so we can be friends id love that thanks jesseTM14
Hi. I added you to my friend list. My code is 1075 0739 0941. Name is lilly.
I got the 3ds heres my fc looking for friends to add to it 4382-1976-6208
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Hi zoslati and raiden I have added you both.
3DS Friend Code

Hai~ I got my 3DS at launch.

My 3DS Friend Code is 2234-7140-1581

Feel free to add me! We will have lots of fun together. :3
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Hi PMKHills I added you. What games do you have?
My friend code

Hello everybody. I am about to add you all. My name is Jemaine II (two upper case i's). My 3DS friend code is 3609-1058-2647. Please add me! Thank you!

My Wii and Wii Speak Code is 2868 1516 9273 0968. I will also be adding your Wii codes today. It is currently being played by someone other than me so I have no access.
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I have added everyone in this thread.

I just got my 3ds today and none of my friends have on yet.
my code is 1203-9248-0982. :]

send me your code if you added me so I can add you

hi guys! My Code is 5155 2983 1023 ! I have added all of above ^^. Please add me back =P thank!

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