2v2 fun

No, didn't read it. But now I have, and have changed my reply. Ultimately, you do have a point when it comes to most suicides.
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Oh, I didn't realize you guys were talking about a new league. Kinda odd to use this thread for that. :p But yeah, I'd still be willing to do the video editing for the new league.

Edit: @JonRyan: I guess your logic about the suicide KO's is passable. I don't feel that strongly about it.
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Great news!


I see you editted your latest post. So you will now consider video a requirement? I guess that would prevent any cheapness from going through, so perhaps that's a good idea, as well. I'm for it.
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ha ha i always wanted the video mandatory. there is no excuse for it not to be, you can send it via wii message so others can judge whether its cheap or not.
JonRyan, I made a revised version of the rules based on the discussion in the last several posts, but I think we should continue in a 1v1 League discussion thread. I don't think this is the place to figure out the rules for this (not to mention we're confusing people). Since this is your idea, I figure I'd suggest it to you beforehand.
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Here are the 1v1 Fun rules we have agreed with so far.

Member guidelines (subject to change):

To declare yourself a member, you must provide:
-Wiichat Username
-Brawl Username
-Brawl Friend code
-Wii code
-Time Zone (Time zone is found by going to your "User CP" and then to "Edit Options")

Format is as shown:

(BIO: 1234-5678-9012)
Wii Code: 1234-5678-9012-3456
Timezone: GMT -6:00

Pre-Match guidelines (subject to change):

-Players are responsible for challenging each other. Once the players agree, the host must be notified by posting in the thread or PMing the host directly.
-Players must decide on a time to meet online to play (Remember, you and your player might live in different time zones, so this should be understood)
-Players must also decide on a single stage for use in all matches.
-At least one challenge every month. If there is need for delay, PM the host in advance (after the delay deadline, you must resume with the fixed month-by-month deadlines). Failure to play in a timely manner will result in deducted points for both players (*reward system must be discussed further).
-You MUST be prepared to save your video immediately after the match ends.

Match guidelines (subject to change):

-Best 2 out of 3.
-3 stock.
-Items or no items should be agreed by the opponents.
-Agreed stage will be used.
-3-minute time (unrestricted time are each optional if you have a camera yourself, but it must be recorded and sent).
-Saving and sending match video is mandatory.


-All stages are open for play. Remember, both you and the opponent must agree with any stage chosen for the matches.


-All characters are open for play. Remember, no cheapness. The videos will be surveyed.


Here are some necessary questions:
-Does the same character have to be used throughout?
-How will the win/lose system work?
-Is real-o going to be the guy to recieve all videos?
-Who is going to survey the videos?

Ok understood.
So when will this 1vs1 fun thread be made?

@Jon & Everyone as well i guess :lol:


You can finally add my fc to the first page :lol:
& for the people i know tell me if you added me so i can add you right back :D
LOL, I editted my post, Birdman! Man, you must've popped in here 10 seconds after I posted that.

I'm waiting for JonRyan for the go-ahead on a new thread.
LOL, I editted my post, Birdman! Man, you must've popped in here 10 seconds after I posted that.

I'm waiting for JonRyan for the go-ahead on a new thread.

:lol: Yep that's what i do.
(Pop in from nowhere)

& hurray i will be able to join! :lol:
I'm wondering if the 2v2 league will end up abandoned in favor of 1v1???:nonod:

Regarding the lack of activity and such...it's too bad the founders can't like... arrange and schedule 2v2 matches for combatants based on who is signed up and ready (members taking a hiatus could so indicate), and who has already fought whom... that way we don't have to go looking around for which teams have been formed-which are ready to brawl. Also- it prevents a couple of teams from always only playing eachother... :blush2:

Obviously that's a lot more work and pressure on you wonderful people who brought us this league (especially with a new 1v1 project) but I do feel that it would keep things rolling in the 2v2. :cool:

If it's easier- we could set aside Friday or Saturday as a day for matches and strive to have atleast one or two scheduled per week depending on who can attend.:rolleyes:

So for example the teams would tell the admins which days and times they can for sure brawl, and with that information would post something like this:

Friday, April 3rd 1:00 GMT
Team Awesome vs. Team Tacopants - 2 stock
Saturday, April 4th 5:00 GMT
Team Sonicface vs. Team Sweetknuckles - 3 minutes

The players can discuss through PM the rules and such.. and then that week- confirm the match and that they will be attending with the admin who posted the match.. The admin then knows with whom they need to follow up and can record the data... (and IF Jon doesn't want any MORE work piled onto him- he could assign someone to keep track of the teams/who's played/who will play/ and report results to him....):sick:

It's really just thinking out loud on how to solve the problem- so pick at it all you like, or just throw it right back. :smilewinkgrin:

This is all, of course, assuming that people will still be doing the 2v2....(I know the Magikarp still wants 2v2...) >.>;
What do you guys(or gals) think?
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  • #809
i'm not abandoning 2v2's like i said i wanna get this thread more active before i start the one on ones but who know maybe the 1v1's might help get the 2v2's more active.

for now enough about the one on ones lets focus on making this thread more active.
i will post a 1v1 league thread soon.

The problem with 2v2 is that it's virtually impossible to set up events for you guys because it's trying to get 4 different people from across the globe under potentially different time zones to get on one Brawl server at one time. And trust me, PM discussion through this is just as difficult.

I almost wonder if making teams is even necessary at this level of activity. It might even be easier if 2v2 was just a hub for random arrangements of players (opens up more opportunities for 4 available players).