1v1 brawl league

i'm still on i'll add your fc right now. he just pwnd me and my friend.


Jiggles strikes again! XD I can't believe I beat the both of you with Jigglyballs. I'm glad I saved the replay. XD ... I just hope the rumours of replays being over 3 minutes being messed up isn't true.

Now that I've said that, GGs, Jon. You've gotten better, definatly. ... But so has my Wolf. ;) Speaking of that, Wolf FFAs are hectic, I can say that much. :lol:

There were a lot of hilarious item moments; like when you used Kirby's FS, and when you came out of it, something exploded and you immediatly died. XD Lots of hilarious suicides on my part too (3 suicides as Meta in the same match? Shame on me).

JonRyan, you still on?
(Won't bother asking CK. I'll just loose over and over again.)

That's not the spirit, Fox.

... Although completely understandable. I'm so used to winning in Brawl that a string of loses can be frustrating, as sad as it may sound. I'll never back down from a challenge, though.
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That's not the spirit, Fox.

... Although completely understandable. I'm so used to winning in Brawl that a string of loses can be frustrating, as sad as it may sound. I'll never back down from a challenge, though.

Lol. If I ever won matches online I'd probably feel the same way. But I don't. Mainly because I flat out suck. It's so much harder to get good when your life is too busy for Brawl (I'm sure we all know that feeling)
That was fun, JR. But I would have liked them to be league matches.

@CK: =[
I figured it would be obvious...
@Fox: In my case, he was running the league alongside me and real-o, so for me it was important. Not a "dying family member" big deal, but you get the idea.

@Dinner, luigikart3: I won't be able to brawl for short while. I gotta get my console approved for the college's internet network up here before I can get online again.

@CK: I wanna play in some friendlies with you eventually. I really want a kickass ZSS, and last time you said I was predictable with her, so I wanna see if I have made any improvements since then.
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sad news to me bio i was hoping to have some matches with you before i sell my wii. it won't be so soon cause i have to get some of my games from my brother and yeah that might take while so there is time but depends on how long the college will take to approve.
luigikart, why dont we have a offical? we fought many times, but never an offical.
u have my Fc. just tell me when (just don't make it on mon -thursday)
I can right now but in a hour i cant.But,ill be on late today so probably now or 11:00pm.If not any day is great.

... Did I say something stupid?

@CK: I wanna play in some friendlies with you eventually. I really want a kickass ZSS, and last time you said I was predictable with her, so I wanna see if I have made any improvements since then.

Can do. It has been awhile since our last set of matches, so I'd be happy to oblige.

CK! Me and You when?
I really wanna play you.

Whenever we're both online. :p

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