1v1 brawl league

also i don't own many games for the wii just because i don't really like the games. yeah fire emblem is going to be a huge loss cause i never get tired of that game but little big planet is enough to keep me entertained outside of action games and fps's.

Well, the good news is you don't have to worry about FE for a while, since we had one this year it probably will be two more years before we see another FE. Besides, when it comes to replayability, the original game boy Fire Emblem cannot be beat.
The huge loss is Brawl. I've gone a long time without it (stupid tv) and seriously, it's the kind of stuff you miss. Plus, it is more likely you have friends with a PS3 that will let you play, than having friends with Brawl. If having friends with Brawl was normal, I don't think many of us would be here right now.
Of course, I am just saying all of this because I'm bored. I think you can make your own choices and don't need the consent of people who are basically strangers. So enjoy w.e. choice you make :thumbsup:
I have two sides on this...

First of all, good decision, Jon. Both the PS3 and 360 have a wider library of good games to select from than the Wii, IMO (although I don't think the exclusives for either justify owning both; unless you're freaking rich). I'm more of a 360 person (although I'll regret saying this once Kingdom Hearts 3 comes out in the looooong future. DX), but both systems have great librarys, both in multi platformers and exclusives.

The second side: you were a fun person to Brawl with, Jon. Never a sore loser, never giving up the game. As overdramatic as it might sound, I'll miss brawling with you, even moreso since we havn't brawled in ages as is. As Anax mentioned it is also a bit irresponsible to just abandon the thread, even though it's used so much... At the least, why not hand over to someone all the thread's contents and responsibilities, and let them create a new thread, copying all the data? I'm sure plenty of people would be up to the task. Everyone who's worked hard for this league has already proven their worth. =)
well i do apologize to my absence i left because i felt like there wasn't enough activity to hang to this thread and it wasn't just that tons of stressful things have been thrown at me along the way making my life harder hence the want for outside communication gradually left.

not an excuse however so i do sincerely apologize, and i was shocked to see so much activity when i came back i am really sad to have made any of you feel abandoned :/

the it'll be easier because to get the ps3 because i hardly get money to spend freely and with the money i get my friend is offering me a really great deal on his ps3 and games. thats why it'll be easier real o. i will have my wii for a little while longer so for anyone wanting to brawl i will undoubtedly accept. i will try and be on as much as i can before i sell the wii, and thanks for the compliments from ck and anax i really appreciate those kind words.

i will leave the thread to someone perhaps more suitable than i am because of the current activity thanks for that suggestion ck. :]
Declining Wiichat usage because life's being a *****... I can relate, Jon. :lol: Understandable.

To be honest, I'm also glad the PS3 had such a huge price drop. In the near future if I ever plan to buy one, I'll probably have enough spendable money to get one; especially if it's used. ... I'm never selling my Wii, though. :lol: Just like with 64 to melee and melee to brawl, I won't stop playing Smash Bros. until the next comes out. :lol:

Thanks for understanding, Jon. =) I'd hate to see this thread die if one of our members is leaving; it's bad enough a friend is becoming less active. ... I wonder who'd want the job of maintaning the thread, though?

Anyways, we need to Brawl soon, Jon. =) I can count on that, yeah?
of course you can ck. hmm i'll try and be as active on wiichat as i can :]
hmmm i too wonder i'd say bio but he seems less active than real o but waiting for him to come online before i do.
Good to see you again, JonRyan. I wish it were under better circumstances, but good to see you again, nonetheless.

Interesting you bring this console change thing up, because I've been drooling over a PS3 since before it launched and still feel the same way (I closely track all news on the console like crazy). Now that it's $300, I will soon buy one, though not until after the holidays. I'm not selling my Wii, however, mainly because I love Brawl too much to give it up.

However, I personally think your decision isn't bad at all. Just make sure you will truly gain from it in the long run. Some people simply don't need to hold on to multiple consoles. Many people buy consoles primarily for a few games, and when the attraction to those games is gone, so does the attraction to the console as a whole, so I can understand (games can't always bring people back, even great ones like Brawl...it's up to the taste of the gamer). But just make sure the Wii isn't something you know will bring you back after a short while, otherwise it would be wiser to wait until you can afford the PS3 (especially when Sony has been gradually making the machine more and more efficient with every passing year anyway).

Either way, if you are confident that your agenda has no place for message boards, then I respect your decision. Real life is forever going to be much more important. You'll be missed, but thankfully, I think the league can still be okay.

You can at least be confident that you'll always be the brainchild of this whole league. Just be sure to say hi once and awhile. =)
Good to see you again, JonRyan. I wish it were under better circumstances, but good to see you again, nonetheless.

Interesting you bring this console change thing up, because I've been drooling over a PS3 since before it launched and still feel the same way (I closely track all news on the console like crazy). Now that it's $300, I will soon buy one, though not until after the holidays. I'm not selling my Wii, however, mainly because I love Brawl too much to give it up.

However, I personally think your decision isn't bad at all. Just make sure you will truly gain from it in the long run. Some people simply don't need to hold on to multiple consoles. Many people buy consoles primarily for a few games, and when the attraction to those games is gone, so does the attraction to the console as a whole, so I can understand (games can't always bring people back, even great ones like Brawl...it's up to the taste of the gamer). But just make sure the Wii isn't something you know will bring you back after a short while, otherwise it would be wiser to wait until you can afford the PS3 (especially when Sony has been gradually making the machine more and more efficient with every passing year anyway).

Either way, if you are confident that your agenda has no place for message boards, then I respect your decision. Real life is forever going to be much more important. You'll be missed, but thankfully, I think the league can still be okay.

You can at least be confident that you'll always be the brainchild of this whole league. Just be sure to say hi once and awhile. =)

:[ broke my heart made me cry. thanks bio i really appreciate this. hmmm i will be as active i can and thanks for the support i am confident that as soon as i get a job i will repurchase my wii and games. it'll be fun beating everything all over again too.
Why is everyone making a big deal out of this? You guys sound like family members consoling a dying family member or something. =/
No offense

Also, I'm off all day and I need a match.
as gay as it may sound man, no one really liked me when i first joined especially ck, and it took time for me to win them over and actually become something more than normal to anyone. I ended up really liking ck, bio, sho, and real o. with them i felt a bond. they are all really smart and logical and its hard to find that. even if they don't feel the same i see them as my wiichat family,
Why is everyone making a big deal out of this? You guys sound like family members consoling a dying family member or something. =/
No offense

Also, I'm off all day and I need a match.

Why not make a big deal out of it? =) Friends are friends, Fox. I'd be moaning and complaining the very same way if you were going to stop coming to Wiichat. Is there really something wrong with that?
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Good timing Jon, was about to go play GTA 4 instead. A Brawl it is. :thumbsup:

no one really liked me when i first joined especially ck

I still remember bitching at you for your poor grammar and rule breaking. Oh, the irony. :lol:

even if they don't feel the same i see them as my wiichat family,

Word. Although, that's a bit too corny. :lol:
JonRyan, you still on?
(Won't bother asking CK. I'll just loose over and over again.)

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