101 Ways to Know You've Played TP Too Much

49. When you cry at the end of the game (I know I did!)
50. When you put a stick in your left hand if you want to spin
51. When you start howling at fancy rocks
52. When you think breaking bigger vases/pots makes you get big cash!
53. Whenever you walk into a strange room you look left then right the forward then draw a stick
54. when you actually own a green, red or blue tunic and attempt to walk under water wearing steel cap boots wearing the blue one believing you will not drown or while wearing the red one you throw away coins believeing it will boost your defence
58 - when the local farmer shoots you for attempting to warp somewhere using the chicken you found on his land
59 - when you actually start recycling, using the empty bottles you now carry around
60 - when you have the exchange rate from rupees to pounds sterling to mind when buying things in shops with 3 items or less
62. You try to create a human/chicken hybrid.

63. You look for a yeti mansion in the mountains.

64. You see a monkey upside-down on a tree branch and you try swinging on it.
66. You try to take a frozen leaf from a tree and try to snowboard down a mountain with it.

68: During the course of your daily life, you are still seeing a lightning bug floating around in front of you.
69: When before you get in water you put on flippers that are attached to a blue shirt with a black mask thinking you can`t drown.

70. buying a boomerang at Toys R Us at throwing it thinking it will make a tornado.

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