101 Ways to Know You've Played TP Too Much

27. pick up anything on the floor and throw it against the wall breaking it apart hoping a ruby will pop out.

28. You start slashing your neighbor's lawn hoping a ruby will pop out.
30. When you see a random fat guy on the street you try to sumo wrestle him.

31. You build a giant beyblade and try to ride it across quicksand.
34. You had to be resuscitated several times, later stating "what is wrong with my zora armor?"
35. You go outside to get a tan at 1:00am and wonder why the sun still hasn't risen 20 minutes later.
36. You think Spiderman has got nothin' next to dual hook shots.

(Fav. so far - 24. Instead of walking around town you roll/tumble because "it's faster .. and it looks kinda cool" - SpaceNerd04)
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40. You asume that slashing at chickens will result in you being able to take control of theirs bodies for a short amount of time.
41. You hop into a canon to try and reach the city in the sky.
42. You don't question the logic behind a 50 story cave below ground infested with enemies.
43. When you realize that killing all the people in a locked room won't magically unlock the door.
46. When you, in your normal course of daily activities, feel as if youre neglecting the kingdom of hyrule.
47. When youve already beaten twilight once and are considering going through again.
48. When you look for baby carriages in the stream behind your own house.

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