#1 problem with Wii

En4Neo said:
Not quite everything, we get Super Paper Mario first. Hell we got LoZ TP first, these are huge titles the US is getting or has gotten first.

i'd much rather have online play.
callme.nasty said:
i'd much rather have online play.

yeah, but ill they have gotten is pokemon. And there will be about a 5 month break before there next title. So, your really not missing that much.
I really can't come up with many problems.

I have had no issues with the Wireless - my Wii connects to my generic Netgear router just fine. Surfs the Web, downloads from the shop channel, etc.

I could care less about online play. I'm not that great of a gamer (this is my first real foray into games since the Atari 2600/NES days) so I could care less about playing against/with people. If I want to play with friends, I'll invite them over, have a few beers and play.

The graphics are good, not great but good enough. I play via components on our 42" plasma and it's fine.

The controller does have issues at times, but works great 99.9% of the time. I wonder if some of these issues are due to the fact that they are Bluetooth and the WiFi both operate on the 2.4 Ghz band. Same as how 2.4 Ghz cordless phones interfere with WiFi....

That being said, I'm enjoying Wii sports, Godfather and Sonic. All are great games for me, the casual gamer. I've spent something like 8 hours playing Godfather, something I'd never do before. The graphics are not as good as a PS3 or 360, but I'll never give my money to MS so they ruin another industry (I've seen them f-up the PC world), and $600 for a PS3 is a little excessive.

Many of these same arguments (features) could and were said about the iPod back in 2001-2003. Look where that is today.....

I think the Wii will do just fine - with the #'s it's been pulling in, titles will come soon enough.

One thing I've learned about the Internet and enthusiast boards. We are NOT in any way, shape or form a representative sampling of the entire population. We're just a small portion of the whole user base.
callme.nasty said:
i'd much rather have online play.

You'd rather have online play than killerap games?

Whatever floats your boat. I guess it works for us then, not for you if you're from NA.
My number 1 problem with the Wii right now is that i can't stop playing or talking about it and i'm not getting any housework done!

My other half gets home from work to find a sink full of dirty dishes and asks what the hell i've been doing all day, to which i can only reply 'well i did get to the 9th stage in Monkey Ball..' :scared:
Standby Mode Temperature. It's just too hot for comfort, I am sure it's operating at the temperature limit.

I am sure it will shorten the life of a Wii if it kept laying flat and on standby during the hot summer month.

In standby mode, the CPU should monitor the temp inside the case and turn the fan ON if the temp gets too high.

Nintendo need to look at the potential problem with laying the case on its side, and issue a firmware update on this.
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Graphics to some extent... but i knew what i got when i bought it, so not really a problem..

Other then that its mostly the lack of good titles so far. Don't even have a release date for Super Paper Mario in Europe. Online play would be fun too ^^
What is the #1 problem is kind of a subjective question depending on each person.

1. Online Games - For many this is a big issue especially since Nintendo is having third party developers wait until 2008 to go online and the only near future titles that are online have somewhat of limited audience.

2. Original Titles - So far we have been flooded with last gen ports and most of the game library consists og junk movie tie in games. Gamers want more original games and sooner rather than later.

3. Graphics - Developers have been lazy about tweaking graphics for the wii many are exact ports of previous generation games with no improvements at all and then there are a few titles such as Farcry that just have shamefull graphics.

4. Controls - Most minigames run great but so far most games definetly have control issues. FPS is the biggest genre affected by this but other titles such as Monkeyball has almost unplayable minigames.

5. Online Cummunity - People tend to expect more since the release of the 360 and ps3 and they want to easily be able to communicate with other gamers, have friends list, and an easy way to get into online games with like minded gamers.

6. Rewards - Gamers like to be rewarded for there support an achievement system in games similiar to the 360 adds alot of replay for gamers. Also Nintendo has a flawed reward system for buying their products according to their main site I was awarded 6 issues of nintendo power for buying so many nintendo products and have yet to see them.

7. Communication - Nintendo need to feed wii fans more future info to keep them excited in their system. Better release date information, reveal the online plan, upcoming titles, how long will the wii be flooded with junk ports all questions some gamers may want answers too.

8. Shopping - Gamers are truely buying into microtransactions and so far Nintendo has did ok on getting content out every monday. But some gamers want original titles on the virtual console, more channels, and other downlaodable items.

9. Developer support - Nintendo has very strong sales right now and they need to encourage more develoeprs to develop and announce more titles. Also they need to get more dev kits out there so even smaller developer can create small original titles for the virtual console and more.

10. Quality - Nintendo needs to expect more from developers and do some quality checking on upcoming games so far there has been to many quick ports to just cash in on the market. Nintendo's name use to stand for quality and I think they need to bring back there quality seal for excellent titles so gamers know which titles Nintendo supports for their excellence.
#1 problem

Maybe I just got a bum console, but I think the #1 problem is that the system freezes every so often. It has been especially predominant while playing Super Paper Mario. I just got the game earlier this week (4/15) and have only put in approximately 2 hours of actual game time (not playing time) because the game freezes so much. I was just curious if anyone else has had this problem?
Haywire said:
What is the #1 problem is kind of a subjective question depending on each person.

6. Rewards - Gamers like to be rewarded for there support an achievement system in games similiar to the 360 adds alot of replay for gamers. Also Nintendo has a flawed reward system for buying their products according to their main site I was awarded 6 issues of nintendo power for buying so many nintendo products and have yet to see them.

9. Developer support - Nintendo has very strong sales right now and they need to encourage more develoeprs to develop and announce more titles. Also they need to get more dev kits out there so even smaller developer can create small original titles for the virtual console and more.

10. Quality - Nintendo needs to expect more from developers and do some quality checking on upcoming games so far there has been to many quick ports to just cash in on the market. Nintendo's name use to stand for quality and I think they need to bring back there quality seal for excellent titles so gamers know which titles Nintendo supports for their excellence.

The rewards definetely seem flawed, the only game i have that i could register so far is Zelda TP, none of the other games i've bought have had the game codes in.

I am sure that developer support will improve for the Wii. The console has sold so well that a lot of developers who had ignored the Wii at first are having to change their minds as its such a fast growing platform now. The Wii is also cheaper to develop for than either 360 or PS3, the cost of the average game is usually half (maybe sometimes even more) and the dev kits themselves are nearly a tenth of the price of the PS3s. Even small developers should be able to create games for Wii and make a profit, something that isn't so sure on the other consoles.

From the Scarface interview on Wiichat.
'GT: Nintendo has a list of requirements that all games need to meet. They centre mostly on quality issues like load times, error messages, widescreen support, and so on. Other than that we've found that they encourage developers to try new things with the Wii remote and Nunchuk.' It dosen't sound like Nintendo check 3rd party titles that much for actual gameplay quality but perhaps they just want to get the 3rd partys onboard for Wii and not put them off by being too restrictive early on. I guess the only way to be sure you are getting real quality gameplay right now is to buy Nintendo's own titles as they rarely dissapoint. Giving a quality seal to outstanding 3rd party games would be a good idea in the long run though. Unfortunately i think ports will continue be a problem until games have actually stopped being made for PS2.
online play


i want better graphics!!!

occasionly the controls can get annoying on games ( THIS IS WHY I DONT BUT FPS ON WII )
It's definitely a mixture of the lack of keyboard support and no games with online play. The online ability is so great and it just sucks that it's taking so long to come to market.

Once there are MP games hitting the market, all this will be a bad memory. For now though, we gripe.
kkotasek said:
Maybe I just got a bum console, but I think the #1 problem is that the system freezes every so often. It has been especially predominant while playing Super Paper Mario. I just got the game earlier this week (4/15) and have only put in approximately 2 hours of actual game time (not playing time) because the game freezes so much. I was just curious if anyone else has had this problem?

The first time i turned it on i ran the network setup procedure and it froze with a weird buzzing sound in the speakers. I thought "Oh crap" and it hasn't happened again since. Weird...

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