#1 problem with Wii

kiraownsurmom said:
online sucks...well the trial does
Online trial? You talking about the free Opera browser? It doesn't totally suck...how else could I be typing right now? :lol:
En4Neo said:
I heard December of last year for Japan, may of this year for Europe, and June of this year for US.

Don't know where you heard that....

I'm sorry, but you're totally wrong. Europe will be the first with the online play, in 25th May with Mario Strikers Charged. Than it will be Australia in June, US maybe in Summer, and Japan has no release date.
Just go to Wikipedia.;)
demonflair said:
I'm sorry, but you're totally wrong. Europe will be the first with the online play, in 25th May with Mario Strikers Charged. Than it will be Australia in June, US maybe in Summer, and Japan has no release date.
Just go to Wikipedia.;)
Hate to break it to ya, but Wiki isn't God. I know it's hard to believe, but it's true...they've been wrong many a time.
IMO the downfall for the Wii is also its advantage.... the controller.... wait. hold on.. hear me out ..... yes we all love the wii and how you control the system is one of the main advantages.... but i believe that it is also it's main weakness (unless nintendo is able to solve some of the problems i am goin to list)

We loved the idea that the Wii controller lets us do soemthin that has never been done and is able to connect us with the games like never before.. however... this advantage can also work against the Wii..... i am sure that many of us who played the games already has noticed the following problems...

1) sensitivity .... sometimes it is not sensitive enough.. sometimes it is too sensitive.... (like in Cooking mama and adjusting the temp. from low to mid or mid to high etc... you can see that every little shake your hand makes on the control..... this is an example of how soemtimes it is too sensitive.... or when you try to stir.. i am sure those who have played cooking mama has flung your wrist frantically trying to stur but it just won't do it... )

2) lack of feel... yes cutting something up by making the motion is fun, but there is a lack of feel.... compared to playing on the DS where there is something solid that you are writing on the Wii lacks a solid feel to it. A person would have to stretch their imagination quite abit to tell the difference between cutting something up and shaking a salt shaker....

3) controls for adventure games.... yes it was fun playing Zelda, but when it comes down to attacking there are basically 3-4 attacks with the sword not matter which way you swing your wiimote.... some of us believe that in the future ther might be some changes, but it would be hard to imagine... (playing that boss lvl on Warioware with the samerai sword kinda gives a feel that it might be too sensitive if it was possible... it would maybe seem like a online flash game where you control the sword with the mouse... donno if you gys understand what i mean.. but i am sure there are some of u who do and maybe can explain a bit better???)

4) Lag.... there are sometimes a lag in response from the wiimote and the game.... minor problem, but sometimes it may piss you off

5) cursor jumping.... this is largely a matter of skills, but sometimes when it is at a criticle moment and you are about to jump off your seat and shoot someone near the bottom the cursor suddently jumps to the top and all around...) if you don't know what i mean you can try it at the wii menu and bring the "hand" as close to the borders as possible and the "hand" should start flickering around....

those are some of the problems....IMO the main one would be the lack of feel .... probably some attachments that are starting to come out might solve this problem... then again it might not.... or maybe i am the only one that thinks this......

P.S. another major problem would be ppl filling up their channels.... :mad2:
demonflair said:
I'm sorry, but you're totally wrong. Europe will be the first with the online play, in 25th May with Mario Strikers Charged. Than it will be Australia in June, US maybe in Summer, and Japan has no release date.
Just go to Wikipedia.;)

LOL at you, actually I'm totally right.

May 25th for Europe with Mario Strikers, December 14th 2006 for Japan with Pokemon Battle Revolution, and for the US it's June 25th with Pokemon Battle Revolution.

Don't believe me? It's on Wikipedia, Gamespot, and IGN.;)
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1. no Online play
2. friend codes
3. i can't plug in my external hard drive. lol
En4Neo said:
LOL at you, actually I'm totally right.

May 25th for Europe with Mario Strikers, December 14th 2006 for Japan with Pokemon Battle Revolution, and for the US it's June 25th with Pokemon Battle Revolution.

Don't believe me? It's on Wikipedia, Gamespot, and IGN.;)

yeah japan had online play from release.
psychogd92 said:
Japan gets everything before us... :sad:

Not quite everything, we get Super Paper Mario first. Hell we got LoZ TP first, these are huge titles the US is getting or has gotten first.

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