007 Embassy [E7]

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  • #33
That sucks it didn't happened! Best wishes to the next one! :cornut:

Thanks, Tina!!!! Hope everything is going good with you!!!

LOL pig!!!!! Thanks for getting wii chat ;) The group I invited you to is where we plan our wars. You can find it easy by clicking "my profile" then look at left side of screen and scroll until you see "groups" and you should see us :D
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My fellow [E7]clan members that really play & don't stay offline please add me right now... FC:5047-3684-2425 I'm Oscar[E7] and I'm back better than ever... Once again 5047-3684-2425
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  • #39
You said it Tampa. Everyday I get someone asking.

Trev- we need do some melee games soon :D
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  • #41
Me neither I need the link to see when is the next clan war :={:={

Its in the 007 Embassy Group you joined. All of our current discussions are there, the next war is actually tomorrow.
Well you wouldn't be the only person from England in E7...I think Kristian and Yoshi are English also

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