Zelda Twlight Princess?


WiiChat Member
Mar 4, 2007

I'm getting a wii for my birthday in april and i was wondering if zelda would be to hard for me seeing that i am turning 13 and i haven't really played any of those stradegy/thinking games before?
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I ment 14, sorry my brother was messing around.. ok thanks just a friend of mine sed i would get frustrated easily because im more of a sport gamer/shooter
There is shooting in Twilight Princess. Bow & Arrow shooting that is. If you're into shooters, then Red Dteel would be the best game for you.

But still, Twilight Princess is a must get for any Wii owner.
I recently turned 14. I've never played any Zelda games. I bought this game, and I love it. You DO get stuck--but that just makes it more fun to get past that certain part.

You should get it, Zelda is a great game. And if you ever get stuck you could ask someone in the forum for help!
since you havent played any other zelda games, i recommend that you play them sometime, especially ocarina of time for N64 (you can download it onto the wii once its a virtual console). But while playing through twilight princess, just remember, ALWAYS look around where you are if youre stuck, and try to utilise your equipment in weird and unique ways, you may be surprised.
Pierre4 said:
I'm getting a wii for my birthday in april and i was wondering if zelda would be to hard for me seeing that i am turning 13 and i haven't really played any of those stradegy/thinking games before?

I am also 13 and I don't see why not. Since I have 3 older brothers I played Zelda when I was younger and I beat them too! So get it.

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