Zelda:Twilight Princess Vs. Red Steel. Which 1 and why?

Zelda by far, finished it twice and although it is boring at the end, after you 'finish' the game you have side quest and games taht you can continue to play afterwards. I have played red steel and i didnt see what all the fuss was about, just an altered version of James Bond if you ask me.
MasterJedi2U said:
Wow guys they are both good in their own way! They're in two completely DIFFERENT genres...how can you compare them to each other. Best bet is to buy BOTH since BOTH are awesome games. I've got both and I don't regret it. Perhaps the only Wii game I regret getting is Madden since there is no Online and it would have been nice to play online against other people.

I kind like my Madden game

But Zelda wins this round. Who wouldn't pass up the best series ever created!

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